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Creating and using custom fields
Creating and using custom fields

Custom field creation and use-cases

Mia Alter avatar
Written by Mia Alter
Updated over a week ago

Custom fields can be used to add additional information to tasks such as price, quantity and more. They can also be used to trigger notifications, filter tasks and much more!

How to create a custom field?

Open the “Settings” tab.

Click “Custom fields”.

Then click on “Create Custom Field” on the right-hand side of the screen

and fill out the form.

Here is an explanation of what the fields mean:






Name of the custom field that you see

Client ID


Your account name

Small letters and numbers only and write the words together



Name of the custom field on the back end

Use small letters and numbers and write the words together



Choose string, integer, decimal, or choice


📌 To create a drop-down menu as a value type, pick Choice and write the options on a separate row. Like so:

📌 If you wish to fill out the custom fields in a specific order then use the “Ordering” field to tell the system know which custom fields should come 1st, 2nd and so on.

By checking off the boxes you can determine where you want the custom fields to be seen and what properties you want it to have.

Well done you have created a custom field.

Now lets see some of the opportunities custom fields presents you with.

1- Drivers can edit custom fields to get first hand feedback from the field.

Make sure you make the custom field visible and editable by the assignee in the mobile app when creating it.

Here is what custom fields look like in the driver app:

2- Custom fields can be used to trigger notifications.

To customize notification templates based on the custom field input, make the notification template, and then let us know which input you wish, and we will set it up for you!

To learn more about how to create notification templates click here.

3- Custom fields can be used to filter tasks.

This is useful when you need to filter tasks out by zones, route number, job or client type, etc. To make this possible just check the “Searchable” box on the form.

Contact us using the support chat and we will gladly answer any questions you may have!

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