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Importing contacts

Contacts, importing, excel, CSV files, example import file

Mia Alter avatar
Written by Mia Alter
Updated over a week ago

Importing contacts helps you save time and resources.

How do I import contacts?

Click on the "Contacts" tab

Click on "Import" (to see how to format a import file scroll to the next section)

Upload your document and then match the columns to data points.

Review the imports and if you are satisfied click "Import contacts"

If you are not satisfied or wish to change something you can click the "Previous" button.

If you have titled the columns it is important to click on "Skip first row" so that the first row is not considered as data points.

Well done you have completed your first import!

What should an import file look like?

You can import excel and CSV files. Here is an example import file: Contact import file sample.xlsx

Click on the image if you wish to see it in a bigger format.

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