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Exporting contacts

Exporting contacts, filtering contacts, excel files

Mia Alter avatar
Written by Mia Alter
Updated over a week ago

How can I export contacts?

You can export contacts by clicking on the "Contacts" tab

Filtering the contacts to show what you would like to export

Clicking the "Export" button and an export in the form of a Excel file will be downloaded.

The Excel file

How can I filter contacts?

Adding filters:

To add filters just click "+ Add filter"

Choose which data field you would like to filter by and choose what the filter should be, and fill in the space provided.

Click "Done" and the filter has now been created!

πŸ“Œ To save a filter as default click "Save as default".

This will only be the default filter for your computer, if you change computers the filter will not be the default there.

πŸ“Œ To reset a filter or remove filters click "Reset filters" or the X that appears when hovering over current filters.

Reordering columns:

Click "Manage columns"

If you wish to add or remove columns you can do so by ticking (unticking) the fields present in the list.

If you wish to reorder columns click on "Reorder columns" and then drag and drop the fields into the order you would like them to be in.

Changing assortment:

You can assort tasks by the time they were created at or by the time they were last edited at. To change this click on the drop down menu on the right hand side and choose which would be better for you.

You can have tasks in ascending and descending order, to change this click on the button next to the drop down field mentioned above.

Contact us using the support chat and we will gladly answer any questions you may have!

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