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Auto-assigning and more!

How do I set up auto-assign, auto-activate and auto-complete? How to set a default optimization for auto assigning?

Mia Alter avatar
Written by Mia Alter
Updated over a week ago

Auto assigning allows tasks to be assigned to drivers automatically with no user input! This can save you time and resources.

How do I set up auto-assigning?

Here is what the settings look like, as you can see if you hover over the grey question mark symbol it will also explain what each setting means and changes.

Here is a full list of all the settings and what they mean alongside some tips.

Auto-assign orders

Enables auto-assign function.

πŸ“Œ Orders via API must have the trigger "Auto-assign = true" described.

Auto-assign optimize

Every task assigned to the driver will be optimized after assigned.

Check out this article to see how to set up a default optimizations

Auto-assign time

Time value trigger that is calculated from the Complete After value.

E.g. if you have a Task set to be completed after the 6th of August at 7 p.m. and auto-assign time 1 hour, the system will trigger auto-assign on this Task at 6 p.m. (starts looking for an available driver at 6 p.m.).

πŸ“Œ This function can only be used if a Complete After time is set for a task!

If u want to trigger a task immediately and auto-assign it, then leave the value to 0.

Auto-assign rotate time

If there is no response from the assigned driver within that time, the program will search for a new driver.

πŸ“Œ Value in seconds

Auto-assign maximum distance

Maximum distance (in meters) from the Task to the driver.

E.g. if the value is set to 3000 m, the program won’t assign the task to a driver that is further than 3000 m from the Pickup point.

Auto-assign maximum tasks

The maximum amount of tasks that 1 driver is capable of completing during work time.

E.g. when the maximum value is set to 6 tasks, then GSMtasks won’t auto-assign jobs to this driver when they already have 6 tasks.

πŸ“Œ The amount of tasks includes the multiple waypoints that may be within an order (If an order has 2 waypoints then the system considers it as 2 tasks)

πŸ“Œ Make sure to save your changes

Other automatic features:

Auto-activate tasks

We can make it so that when an assignee goes near a tasks geo-zone the task state will automatically change to active.

To learn more about geo-zones click here

Auto-complete tasks

We can make it so that when an assignee leaves the current tasks geo-zone the task state will automatically change to completed.

For either of these two feature please contact us. So we can turn them on for you!

Contact us using the support chat and we will gladly answer any questions you may have!

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Your review takes just a few minutes, and it means the world to us. Thank you for helping us serve you better.

Yours truly,

The whole GSMTasks team 😊


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