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Create your school from scratch

5 simple steps

Iliya avatar
Written by Iliya
Updated over a week ago

Once your account is created only 5 simple steps are between you and your successful school. No matter if you are a newbie in online education or already tried LMS, Gurucan will help you along the way.

Gaining expertise, experience, and skills is hard enough, sharing those has to be easy. We'll show how the right tool like Gurucan can bring this idea to life. Let's not waste any more minutes and start creating!

1️⃣ Customize student's dashboard

What we call a student's "dashboard" is generally your school - a platform for your student to learn your courses (or other products).

What we recommend to set first are:

  • your school's name

  • your logo

  • navigation (left sidebar menu)

  • color configuration

All these settings are located in the General section of your admin panel:

Make your students feel at home when learning!

If you want to dive deeper into these settings, here are the advanced articles with all the instructions:

πŸŽ“ All the settings of your school in details

πŸŽ“ How to manage modules - left sidebar menu

πŸŽ“ Advanced color configuration

πŸŽ“ Student's experience in details

More from our blog:

πŸ—ž Branding tips

⭐️ Want to get inspired by fantastic schools created by Gurucan clients? Visit this article.

2️⃣ Set up your first course and lesson

The course is one of the most popular product types among Gurucan's creators, but it's not the only product you can deliver. Learn more about Challenges, Webinars, and other product types here.

We'll start with the basics. Courses consist of Tasks (Lessons, Quizzes or Workouts) and you can put them all into the Chapters, just like in a book.

That's how it looks from your admin panel (one lesson and one quiz in the chapter):

And that's what your students see:

On the bottom bar of everything you create you'll see a menu where you can Publish (make available for your students), preview, save or delete.

The lesson consists of different blocks:

You decide what format is suitable for your content.

  • Text

  • Images (as a gallery or one-by-one)

  • Videos (right on Gurucan hosting as files or embed from YouTube/Vimeo/Wistia)

  • Files (PDF, doc, etc.)

  • Audios

    and more.

    You can easily copy the blocks within lessons and courses as well.

Here are the detailed instructions:

πŸŽ“ How to create a Course?

πŸŽ“ How to create a Lesson?

πŸŽ“ How to create a Quiz?

πŸŽ“ How to create a Workout?

More from our blog:

3️⃣ Set pricing for your course

Once you're happy with the Products you created, it's time to deliver them to your students. You can do that with Offers.

Offer is a package of different products that are available to your students. For example, one Offer can include two courses, one challenge, and access to special chat. Or one Offer can include only one course - it's all up to you.

After filling up your Offer, you can set the pricing.

You choose whether your Offer will be a one-time payment:

Subscription with chosen time period:

Or free. Just set the price to 0:

To start receiving payments from your students, you need to connect your payment gateway. There are 3 available options:

If you're not ready to connect the payment gateway or you are a non-profit, fill in the random data and the system will allow you to create free Offers.

Detailed instructions:

πŸŽ“ How to create an Offer?

πŸŽ“ The process of a purchase from the student's side

πŸŽ“ How to give access to a course for a student manually?

πŸŽ“ How to connect a payment gateway?

More from our blog:

4️⃣ Set communication tools for your students

On-time communication with your students is just as important as delivering great content. It keeps your students motivated to complete the course, builds loyalty for your brand, and scale the retention. Giving space for your students to communicate with each other is what a great community comes from. Let's review what Gurucan tools can help to achieve it all.

  • Chats

Build-in chats give you countless opportunities to engage your students by supporting them, creating special chats for a particular course, motivate students to share knowledge with each other, and more.

Chats can be free - it means they will be accessible for all the students at your school or paid - accessible only for the students who purchased a specific Offer.

Learn more about chat settings here:

πŸŽ“ How to create a chat?

  • Emails

Welcome your students with an inspiring email.

Congratulate them on starting a course.

Email your students when they haven't been online for quite a while and engage them to proceed.

Send useful materials.

Invite them to events and just be with your students all along their education process.

Your students will thank you and stay with you!

With Gurucan you can create emails from blocks or add your custom HTML code. And with Zapier integration you can go in a more advanced way.

πŸŽ“ Email broadcast on Gurucan

πŸŽ“ How to create an email?

More from our blog:

  • Push notifications

There is no better way to communicate with your clients than a mobile app. It's a powerful marketing tool to increase your conversions. Push notifications can work as reminders for your students (for sending homework or do a scheduled workout) but at the same time, they are a great mechanism to increase your sales and conversions. Push notifications can boost app engagement by 88%!

πŸŽ“ How to send Push notifications on Gurucan?


Gurucan mobile application is available on all pricing plans. But we'll talk about it more in our next step.

5️⃣ Launch your school on the web and mobile app

We're almost on the finish line of launching your school! πŸŽ‰

  • The web version of your school

The address of your school is set automatically once you create the account on Gurucan. Gurucan subdomain is available on all pricing plans and you can change it anytime. For example, my school's address is

You also have the possibility of connecting your own custom domain. And you'll be surprised by how such a small detail as your own domain name and URL can gain trust and support your future promotion.

A domain name can increase awareness of your brand. If your domain name matches your company name, it reinforces your brand, making it easier for customers to remember and return.

Moreover, your URL is a very farsighted move if you’ll ever go with the SEO strategy for your promotion. Basically, it symbolizes your web presence and tells Google and other browsers a lot about your web history. The older your URL is, the more credibility it has, and it will undoubtedly help you with website ranking.

Same about your name in browser search. The more, the better! And one day may happily see your website in the first lines of the search.

πŸŽ“ How to connect your custom domain?

  • Mobile applications: iOS and Android

online course development process mobile gurucan

Once you set your school through your admin panel, you don't even need to launch your application. Your mobile school is already waiting for you, just download the Gurucan app, fill in your credentials and see how all your products are mobile now! It truly can't be easier.

Give your students the opportunity to learn on the go and raise your retention!

πŸŽ“ How your students can access your courses through a mobile app

Not sure why you need a mobile application for your courses? Check out some good reasons on our blog:

  • White Label app

If you are ready to scale your business to a brand new level, the White Label feature is your choice. Your own branded mobile application on iOS and Android in 30 days - no costly and time-consuming app development.

For $249/month billed annually, you get:

  • Quicker sales. Our White Label app affords your students in-app purchases. You can offer varying subscription plans/packages to suit their budget.

  • Different streams of income. You can rake in the cash from paid ads, traffic to the apps.

  • Low Customer Acquisition cost.

  • Modern interface.

  • Brand identity. Your app is fully branded to your taste with our chosen colors, logos and designs.

You also get branded emails and push notifications. All your content is yours.

We cannot wait to see your school live!

Please write to our support chat if you have any questions or need help, we are available 7 days a week πŸ€—


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