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How to add assignments into your courses
How to add assignments into your courses

Homeworks and reports for your students

Iliya avatar
Written by Iliya
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes tutors need to receive feedback from students to track their success and to control the process of education. For example, tutors who conduct language lessons sometimes need to receive audio files for practicing pronunciation with a student. Or fitness trainers may need to track the weight of the clients. In these cases, we have a function that makes the receiving of feedback from students possible. It's called "Reports". Let's learn how to use this function to receive feedback from your users.

1) You can insert "Reports" at any lesson. Go to the selected lesson where you want to add a report field. Open this lesson. Inside of the lesson, you'll see the "Reports" section.

2) Move the lever to the position "Report is required"

3) Now you need to choose the most suitable option.

To receive feedback from your students we recommend:

1️ - Manual check.

2️ - Automatic verification without the correct word.

Let us explain, what is the difference between two these options:

1 - Manual check

If you select this type of homework, the student will have a field for writing text and attaching files (images, video, audio, word, excel or pdf).

Pay attention:

  • that with Manual check and settings in your course/challenge, Lessons are available after completing the previous one the student will not be able to proceed to the next lesson until you complete the report Done.

  • If the settings in your course/challenge All lessons are available - there will be no such restriction. After the administrator checked the task and set it to Completed, a field for entering text disappears, and it will not be possible for student to add more to this task - the lesson is considered completed. The student will indicate that the task is Verified.

  • If the task is Failed, the text input field will be still available so that the student can complete/redo the task.

2️ - Automatic check without the correct word

Allows users to send one answer - text or file (image, video, document) in the app, and in the web version - they can attach files + text with one answer. The report will go to the Homework Check. The difference is that when the report is sent, the task will be considered automatically completed and the student will be able to proceed to the next lesson without waiting for verification. After sending the report, the field for entering text disappears and the task is considered complete.

3) After a student sends the report, you will get it in your admin panel

CRM - Homework.

4) If you use "Manual check" option, push to the report you want to check and accept or reject it by pushing "Completed" or "Failed" button. If you push "Completed" button the student will proceed. Moreover, you can leave your feedback to your student using this window.

Let's see an example:

For example, you are fitness trainer and you need to get a feedback from your users to monitor their pulse and blood pressure. You turn on "Report" and choose "Manual check". In the end of any lesson you can add a text block, where you write a question or a task. You write, for example: "To track your progress, we need to know your physical condition at the beginning of training and at the end of the training. Please, measure your pulse and blood pressure, and write your measurements in the field below." Here is how does it look like from a student's side:

When a student reports to you, you'll receive a message in the "Homework" section.

After you receive a report, you can leave your feedback, recommendations, or directions and send it. That's how you and your students can receive feedback using the homework function. Here is how does it look like for a student:

Well done! If you have any other question, we will be glad to help. Just write to our chat)

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