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Life Skills: Present Focus
Life Skills: Present Focus

Growth is not about streaks or how many times one has failed, it is only about this moment.

Menachem avatar
Written by Menachem
Updated over a week ago

by Dr. Shlomie Zimmerman

Focusing on the present is very difficult for many people. Their minds naturally go to the past or the future. However, the “now” is the only place where one can actually interact with reality and Hashem. Make a daily practice of focusing and valuing the here and now.

Generally, in working on anything, but particularly on these issues, it is crucial that you value the here and now. Growth is not about streaks or how many days of something have been completed, or how many times one has failed, it is only about this moment. The more chashivus I have for this moment, the more motivation and capacity I have to be my best in it. The yetzer hara loves to focus on streaks and predictions. He will always say you are going to fail anyway, so you should just give up now.

The Torah places unfathomable chashivus on the moment – one positive attempt, one delay of aveira, or one mitzvah are all priceless. When a nisayon presents itself it’s imperative that you focus on this moment. Can I pass this challenge at this moment? Forget what may come the next moment. Focus on the ability to persevere for this moment. That is monumental. Also value the delay - even if one ends up failing at a later point, his efforts, battle, and delaying, create huge zchusim that can never be erased.

Tip: Mindfulness practice can help you focus on the present. Learn more about it here.

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