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Check-in in Challenge

Things you should know about related to checking in progress on a challenge

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Written by Habitify
Updated over a year ago

Rule of check-in

  • In Challenge, you must log your progress value before 12:00 PM. Once the day has passed, you can’t log in for yesterday. We decided to keep the competition in a challenge more transparent and fair.

  • Remember the limitation on how many times you can skip a habit.

  • You fail a habit 3 days in a row, then you fail the challenge.

Check-in from the tab Challenge

  • Tap the "Challenges" tab in the Habitify app, then go to your specific challenge.

  • Tap the "Check-in" button.

  • Choose "Log Progress."

  • Enter the value representing your progress for the day and slide the button to save.

Your current streak on the challenge will indicate the consecutive times you have completed your daily goal.

As you complete your daily goal, you will build a streak contributing to your rank on the Streakboard.

Check-in from the Journal view

In the Journal view, you can also manage and follow the challenge you've joined and your other habits.

To check your challenge from the Journal, tap the smart "Log" button. The rest is the same when you check in directly in the challenge tab.

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