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How to plant a tree with your habit
How to plant a tree with your habit

This is the complete guide to how you can plant a new tree while developing a new good habit.

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Written by Habitify
Updated over 6 months ago

Get free seeds

For every month, Habitify gives you 3 new seeds. You can get them in the tab Forest.

In some cases, it will be the Challenge tab if you don't switch it to Forest yet.

Sow your seed

To sow your seed:

  • Drag the seed down to the "Your Forest" section

  • Choose a habit to build along with the seed sowing, and tap on Next

  • Read and keep in mind that the seed needs watering for 7 days to become a plant, then swipe the below slider to start sowing.

You can only sow 1 seed at a time

Water your seed

Your seed is watered immediately for the first time on the day you sow it with one of your habits.

For the next 6 consecutive days, keep in mind to give it water. You have 2 ways to do it:

  • Check-in your habits, or

  • Go to the Forest tab and water your seed

Once your seed finally becomes a tree, you can find the link to the tree that Habitify plants for you on

  • In Your Forest section, swipe it left to see your tree.

  • Tap on the Go to link button

  • In, on our offer to plant a tree, tap the button Plant your Trees

You may need to create a Tree-nation account if you do not have one.

View your trees

You can look back at how many trees you have planted in the Forest tab of Habitify, or on the Tree-nation.

Also, you can visit our Forest planted with your contribution here:

Some of the information on your tree will be as the one below:

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