How can I add members to my friends and family subscription?

You can easily manage your Family plan members from your account: you can add members and remove them. Here’s how you can add them.

Cassy from Hallow avatar
Written by Cassy from Hallow
Updated over a week ago

The first step is to log into the web portal by clicking the button below:

  • Click the Friends & Family option and add up to five email addresses to send invites! The screen will show a pop message (just like below) saying the invite was successfully sent.

    • Just so you know, they will need to accept the invitation to be added.

  • Once the recipient receives an email and accepts the invitation, it will prompt them to either create an account (if they don't already have an existing Hallow account) OR login to their existing Hallow account by clicking the option "Already have an account? Log in"

Already added the members but they still couldn't access the app? Please click the button below to troubleshoot!

We're always here to help if you need it. You can reach out through this purple chat window on the bottom-right corner or through e-mail at

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