In select areas you can do both wash and fold and dry cleaning in the same order!
Schedule a pickup
Select Both
Select the times that work best for you
Separate your dry cleaning and wash and fold items and label your bags accordingly
Your clean clothes will be returned to you in two bags; wash & fold and a dry cleaning, for you to use for future order
Simply check both the Wash & Fold and Dry Cleaning boxes
Select the times that work best for you
Separate your dry cleaning and wash and fold items and label your bags accordingly
Your clean clothes will be returned to you in two bags; wash & fold and a dry cleaning, for you to use for future order
No Times Available
In some areas, you'll need to create two orders to send both wash and fold + dry cleaning. The error below will appear if you're in one of those zip codes.
Just contact support for quick help to schedule the second service.