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Your Harpie Dashboard

How to navigate your Harpie Dashboard.

Noah Chong avatar
Written by Noah Chong
Updated over 10 months ago

Security Dashboard Features:

  1. Connect Wallet and Navigation

  2. Security Overview and Wallet Security Score

  3. Your Action Items

  4. Protected Assets (Advanced Security)

  5. Your Security Percentile

  6. Wallet 2FA

Connect Wallet and Navigation

Manage your connected wallet here: view your connected wallet, connect to a different wallet provider (like Metamask, Phantom, or Rainbow), or disconnect your wallet.

From the Navigation bar, you can navigate to different parts of your Dashboard. Clicking any of these links will redirect you to each tool's dedicated page—giving you more customization options or actions to do on each page. These links include:

  • Wallet 2F Authentication (2FA)

  • Advanced Security

  • Approval Revoking

You can learn more about each tool by searching for them in the search bar.

Security Overview and Wallet Security Score

Think of your Security Overview as your Dashboard's "home page". From here, you can view your wallet's security at-a-glance.

You can view your wallet's Security Score and any Action Items that need your attention.

Your Security Score tells you how much your wallet is at risk of scams or hacks, based on your most recent transactions, open token approvals, and people you've interacted with in the past. Remember, a low score could mean that your wallet is at risk of being drained!

Actively monitoring your Security Score and proactively taking action to increase your score is your first line of defense against outside attackers.

Your Action Items

Your Action Items are tasks that you should complete to increase your wallet's security. Every interaction you have with your wallet, whether that be swapping tokens, buying/selling NFTs, or sending crypto to a friend, exposes your wallet to some level of risk.

Of course, it's not realistic to ask you to not use your wallet. That's why Harpie uses Action Items as a way to practice wallet hygiene and prevent any possible security breaches from occuring Action Items range from simple fixes like revoking token approvals to withdrawing your collateral from an exploited LP.

Harpie notifies you of any urgent security alerts through your dashboard so you can take action immediately to protect your funds.

Protected Assets (Advanced Security)

Note: To view this section, you will have to opt-into Harpie Advanced Security. To learn more, click here.

This module allows you to view your wallet's protected and recovered assets. You cannot revoke any protections or update your Trusted Network from here; however, you can protect more tokens or even your recover assets from your vault.

Your Security Percentile

Harpie uses your Security Score to stack your wallet's security against other users. A higher score means a higher overall ranking amongst our users.

Don't worry if you don't rank very high! The easiest way to see your wallet rank higher amongst your peers is by addressing your Action Items and fixing any security vulnerabilities that your wallet may have.

Wallet 2FA

Note: To view this section, you will have to opt-into Harpie Wallet 2FA. To learn more, click here.

Wallet 2FA protects you by routing your transactions through our firewall. We'll scan your transaction for any malicious activity and allow your transaction to execute if and only if it is safe.

This module will tell you if you're actively connected to the Harpie RPC network in your wallet.

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