2. Click on Services
3. Click on + New Service
4. Select a Business Line & Recurrence
For example:
Residential / Recurring
Commercial / On Request
5. Click on Continue
6. Name your service
Typically a brief description of the service offered
Example: 96G TOT 2X Weekly
7. Select a Pricing Zone
If Applicable
8. Set the recurrence
If you have a service that is say 3 times per week, you will select 3X and then the recurrence is Weekly.
If the services is biweekly, then select 1x and then 2 Weekly
9. Set your pricing period
10. Set the price value
Example: $80 / Pricing Period Monthly
$95 / Pricing Period Quarterly
11. Save
12. Service is now available to use
You can now add this service to your customers