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Reporting an Incident
Reporting an Incident

How to report an incident in the HazardCo App. What happens when you report an incident? What does good incident reporting look like?

Updated over 11 months ago

Who Can Complete Incident Reports in the HazardCo App?

Incident reports can be completed by:

  • All HazardCo Members

  • Free users who have scanned onto a Member's Project Plus site

How to Complete an Incident Report in the HazardCo App

  1. Open the App and select 'Report an Incident' from either the Home screen or the Create screen.

  2. Fill in the required details in each section of the report.

  3. In the 'Describe what happened' section ensure that you are as detailed as possible about the incident.

    Example of Effective Incident Reporting:

    Poor Description: "Geoff hurt his leg."

    Why It’s Inadequate: It lacks detail on the injury, the circumstances, and preventative measures.

    Improved Description: "Geoff hurt his leg while carrying timber around the waratahs by himself. The load he was carrying was awkward and the waratahs were uncapped. He dropped the timber and suffered a graze and some bruising to the back of his right leg and knee. Geoff was checked over by Bob, a first aider. A band-aid was applied to his graze, no swelling appeared and he was able to return to work. We spoke to Geoff about carrying awkward loads and advised him that next time he should get someone to help him. This incident was discussed during the toolbox meeting. Workers were reminded about safe manual handling techniques and that all waratahs should be capped."

    Why This Is Effective: This description provides a clear timeline and context, details the injury and response, and outlines steps taken to prevent future incidents.

  4. Press the blue 'Submit' button to save your incident report.

After Submitting Your Report:

  • An email detailing the incident and next steps will be sent to you.

  • The incident will be recorded in your 'Incidents' register and, if linked to a HazardCo project site, will appear in the Project Overview.

  • If the incident was linked to a project site then it will also appear in the Project Overview.

What happens once you report an Incident?

The HazardCo Advisory team review all reported incidents. They check that the information in the report is adequate and can offer advice on any future incident prevention if required.

If treatment for a serious injury or illness was required or you need help immediately, contact the Advisory Team on:

  • (AU) 1800 954 702

  • (NZ) 0800 555 339

Incident support is available 24/7 for HazardCo members

Investigating the incident

When certain incidents happen, it's important to fill out an Incident Investigation form from the HazardCo Hub. This helps figure out what caused the incident and how to prevent it in the future. This should be completed for all notifiable incidents whereas incidents such as minor first aid may only need to be noted in your incident register (automatically created when you log the incident), but if you notice a pattern or the incident, it's best to investigate further.

Useful tools to use on the HazardCo App to assist with this process are Site Reviews and Toolbox Meetings.

Here are some quick tips when completing an incident investigation:

  • Talk to those involved to understand what happened - who, what, when, where, why?

  • Carry out a Site Review, this might help identify the cause of the incident.

  • Think about if there is a way to do the job differently to prevent harm, for example, do the people involved have the right training or equipment for the job?

  • Put a plan in place with the team to prevent the incident from happening again.

  • Communicate the findings from the investigation with your team through a Toolbox/Safety Meeting.

  • Upload the completed investigation form to the HazardCo Hub for your records.

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