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H&S Prequalification / Tender Help Guide
H&S Prequalification / Tender Help Guide

A guide to assist HazardCo members understand what H&S documentation they may need to provide for prequalifications and tenders

Updated over a week ago


You have been asked to submit a tender or prequalification to be awarded work / projects. Now what? We have designed this guide to assist you with answering common Health and Safety (H&S) questions and highlight where you can locate information and forms you may need within your HazardCo Hub.

The purpose of a contractor tender/ prequalification is for companies to demonstrate how they will manage health and safety effectively by providing evidence that they:

  • Can provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment

  • Comply with H&S legal requirements

  • Have established processes in place to manage health and safety on-site

We recommend that any document you choose to provide as evidence for your tender/ prequalification submission meets the following criteria:

  • The document is less than 12 months old and has been reviewed in this time period, with a date shown.

  • Where applicable all policies are signed by directors/officers of the company.

  • Where insurance information is supplied, check that it meets the minimum amount of cover required

  • All documentation is fully completed, including sign-off by workers where required. It is important that you provide evidence of completed forms/templates when submitting a pre-qualification, as you will likely be assessed on how you have completed /actioned something rather than what you plan to do in the future.

HazardCo Hub Navigation

Records: Records completed on the HazardCo app will automatically appear on the HazardCo Hub in two key locations:

  • My reports – all records

  • My projects – records relating to that project will appear under project documents (membership tiers apply)

Templates: Throughout this document, HazardCo templates have been referenced. These are templates that are available to members to use as they wish. We recommend you review a template prior to utilising it, to ensure it meets your needs and requirements. Templates can be found in the Templates section on the HazardCo Hub. To navigate this area, you can search for the template name in the search bar, or you can flick through the pages using the back and forward arrows at the bottom of the screen.

H&S Topics

We have put together a list of common H&S topics that you may be asked about as part of your tender/prequalification and what sort of information and suggested evidence to provide as part of your submission.



Suggested Evidence

External Certification Status

You may be asked if you as a company have been externally and independently audited to obtain certification to health & Safety international / Australian Standards.

It is not something another company like HazardCo could pass onto a member. It’s about how you as a company meet and maintain the requirements of that standard.

Often, prequalification providers may allow you to skip other questions within the prequalification process based on holding external certification.

If your company has been independently assessed and obtained external Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 45001, AS/NZS 4801), upload your certificate provided by the auditor. If requested, supply the expiry date of the certification.

Policies and Procedures

Businesses are often asked to provide their company-level Policy and Procedure (P&P) document (or manual) to demonstrate how they effectively manage health and safety.

You may be asked to provide policies, procedures, a Health and Safety manual or other company level Health and Safety document.

As a HazardCo member, there is a combined company level H&S policy and procedures document available for you if you wish to use it.

This document can be accessed by Hub Admins via the HazardCo Hub in the Company details section. Under ‘Email Policy & Procedures’, enter your email address to receive a copy of your Policy and Procedures.

We recommend you check and review all content including ensuring all policies are signed by Directors/Officers of the company within the past 12 months.


You may be asked to provide copies of certain insurance certificates. You are usually required to provide the certificate of currency which shows the period of cover, the entity covered and the amount of insurance.

Contact your insurance company to obtain a copy.

Some examples of the types of insurance that may be requested:

  • General public and product liability insurance

  • WorkCover insurance

  • Income Protection insurance

  • Professional Indemnity insurance


Inductions need to be performed for all workers including contractors, with records kept. Sufficient information should be included with inductions for all workers performing work so that they understand the hazards and risks they may come into contact with.

Refer to the induction and training sections of your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

  • Site induction record found via ‘My Projects’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

Incident Management

Incidents include injury, illness, property damage and near misses.

You should record all incidents using the HazardCo App. This automatically creates your Incident Register which is located in the ‘Incidents’ section on the HazardCo Hub.

Refer to the incident reporting and investigation section of your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Completed Incident Investigations Forms using the HazardCo template

  • Completed incident reports

  • Incident Register on the HazardCo Hub.

  • Tool box meeting records showing that incidents and outcome of investigations are discussed and control measures agreed upon

  • Tasks can be created, assigned and tracked for completion on the HazardCo App and Hub. Tasks that have been created and actioned following an incident could be provided as evidence where appropriate

Emergency Management

It is a legal requirement to have an Emergency Management Plan set up for every workplace.

All workers and contractors must be taken through the Emergency Management Plan as part of their workplace/site induction.

Refer to the Emergency preparedness section of your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Emergency Management Plan can be created using the HazardCo Template.

  • Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) – section on Emergency Response Plan. A SSSP is created when a project is ordered via ‘My Projects’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

  • Emergency Rescue Plan can be created using the HazardCo Template.

  • Completed Emergency Evacuation Drill record using the HazardCo Template.

Contractor Management

If you engage any contractors you should ensure they are trained and competent in the work they will perform, and that they have an effective health and safety system in place. One way to do this is by prequalifying your own contractors using the Prequalification feature available in your HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

Refer to the Contractor Management section of your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Completed Prequalification form from ‘My Contractors’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

  • Site induction record found via ‘My Projects’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

  • Contractor List.

  • Any subcontractor meeting records and/or inspections/reviews of subcontractor work and performance from past projects.

High-Risk Construction Work

For any High Risk Construction Work (HRCW) a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) must be completed prior to work commencing.

A SWMS needs to be specific to the HRCW activity being performed at the relevant project site to ensure that the risks associated with the task are managed.

Please refer to the SWMS section and relevant high risk sections of your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) can be created on the HazardCo App. Completed SWMS can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • Tool box meeting records showing that HRCW and SWMS are discussed and control measures agreed upon

Hazard Identification / Risk Management

Risk Management is the foundation of effective H&S. To maintain a healthy and safe work environment it's important that hazards are identified, risks are assessed and understood, and effective controls are put in place to eliminate or minimise the risk.

Review the Risk Management section outlined in your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Photograph of completed Hazard Board(s)

  • Tasks can be created, assigned and tracked for completion on the HazardCo App and Hub. Tasks that have been created and actioned relating to hazards could be provided as evidence where appropriate

  • Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) - Created when a project is ordered via ‘My Projects’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

  • Risk Assessments can be created on the HazardCo App. Completed risks assessments can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) can be created on the HazardCo App. Completed SWMS can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • Toolbox meetings can be completed on the HazardCo App. Completed toolbox meeting records, where it documents that hazards and risks were discussed during the meeting for example, can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - using the SOP HazardCo template.

  • Hazard/Risk Register - using the HazardCo template available.

Worker Participation, Consultation and Communication

Effective consultation and communication is required with workers and other Employers on-site to ensure that everyone is aware of health and safety matters that affect them, and what is required of them to manage any risks they face while undertaking work.

Feedback and involvement in health and safety discussions, by workers or contractors, can be documented in meeting minutes such as toolboxes.

Review the Consultation and Communication section outlined in your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Worker Inductions

  • Toolbox meetings can be completed on the HazardCo App. Completed toolbox meeting records highlighting effective consultation and communication can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

Training and Supervision

You must ensure that all workers (including contractors) are inducted, trained and competent to perform work safely, and where applicable they hold the required current licence, or trade qualification. Appropriate supervision is also required.

Please review both the induction & training, and information, instruction & supervision sections in your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • A completed and up to date Training Needs Analysis and Training Register using the HazardCo template

  • Completed Prequalification form from ‘My Contractors’ on the HazardCo Hub (membership tiers apply).

Health Risks and Monitoring

You may be asked to demonstrate how you manage the health risks to your workers who may be exposed to risks such as airborne contaminants (e.g. silica, asbestos), hazardous substances, or excessive noise. Various content can be found in your H&S Policies and Procedures document.

There are various legislative requirements for Employers to follow in order to minimise these risks, and this can include the requirement to monitor the health of your workers in certain circumstances.

When sharing worker health monitoring records, ensure you comply with privacy requirements.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Records of health monitoring

  • Tool box meeting records documenting health hazards and agreed control measures

  • Completed PPE register using the HazardCo Template

Monitor and Review

You should be conducting regular reviews of your H&S processes and work activities on-site to identify and rectify any areas of concern and as part of continual improvement.

Site reviews can be completed on the HazardCo app.

Regular reviews of the company health and safety management system can be captured by completing the Health and Safety Checklist template, discussing the results at the Toolbox/Safety Meetings and implementing corrective actions to improve.

Refer to the monitor and review sections in your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Site Review can be completed on the HazardCo App. Completed records can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • Toolbox meetings can be completed on the HazardCo App – completed toolbox meeting records can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

  • A completed Health and Safety Checklist using the HazardCo template

  • Tasks can be created, assigned and tracked for completion on the HazardCo App and Hub.

Hazardous Substances

Hazardous Substances are substances that are known, or suspected, to cause harm to health or the environment. You must ensure the correct and safe use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous substances.

An up to date Hazardous Substance Register and all Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are to be readily accessible to workers for any hazardous substances used on-site.

Refer to the Hazardous Substances/ Dangerous Goods section in your H&S Policies and Procedures document for more information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • Completed Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Register using the HazardCo template

  • Applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that are dated within the last 5 years and are from an Australian Manufacturer/ Supplier.

  • Training records for hazardous substance awareness training delivered to workers

  • Tool box meeting records where hazards and controls are discussed relating to hazardous substances and where workers can locate SDS.

Plant, Machinery or Equipment

All plant, machinery and equipment supplied and used by workers must be of the required standard, in good working order, with all safety mechanisms and guards intact.

All plant, machinery and equipment should be entered into a register and maintenance records kept.

Refer to the various sections of your H&S Policies and Procedures document relating to plant and equipment for further information.

Completed examples which could be used as evidence include:

  • A completed and up to date Plant, Machinery and Equipment Register using the HazardCo Template

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) created using the HazardCo SOP template

  • Plant, machinery, equipment prestart, inspection, maintenance records

  • A completed and up to date Electrical Test and Tag register using the HazardCo template (or other suitable options e.g. one provided by a third party service provider)

  • Plant and equipment risk assessments

  • Vehicle Checklist completed on the HazardCo App. Completed records can be found on the HazardCo Hub under My Reports

Further Information

HazardCo can provide a HazardCo member certificate which highlights your company is a current member of HazardCo. You may like to provide this certificate as supporting evidence to submit for your tender/ prequalification, along with other documentation around how your company manages health and safety effectively.

Please give the Health and Safety Advisory support team a call on 1800 954 702 if you would like further assistance with a tender/prequalification including what additional evidence may be required.

Important Note: HazardCo have provided general advice on the prequalification process based on commonly asked questions. This guide is to be used for information purposes only and does not guarantee that the prequalification will be accepted if all suggested evidence is provided to the Client.

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