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About Heart & Body Naturals

Frequently asked questions about Heart & Body Naturals


Auto-Delivery is always optional at HBN, but there are benefits to having one each month!

Customer Support

General Customer Support Questions & HBN Contact Information

Detox Protocols

Detoxing is a great way to support your body's good health. Our protocols give you step-by-step instructions.

Getting Started

Getting Started with With Heart & Body Naturals

Gift Card Program

Frequently asked questions about the HBN $25 Gift Card Program.

Incentive Plan

Frequently asked questions about the Heart & Body Naturals Incentive Plan

Member Rewards Program

Frequently asked questions on our Member Rewards Program (MRP)


PayQuicker is an online banking service used for commission payments.


Marketing Heart & Body Naturals

Orders & Refunds

Frequently Asked Questions About Orders & Returns/Refunds

Placement Hold

New enrollments can be held for up to 7 days in your "Placement Hold".

Product Information Pages (PIP)

Product Details, Ingredients, and Suggested Usages


Frequently Asked Questions About HBN Products


Frequently Asked Questions About Shipping

Terms To Know

Definitions for Commonly Used Terms and Phrases

Your Back Office

Your Back Office is Your Business Center