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Potassium beAlkaline
Written by Customer Service
Updated over a week ago

Potassium beAlkaline

essential biomineral {4 ounce}

Potassium beAlkaline

Product Summary

Potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that plays a significant role in metabolism, water, and chemical balance in the body, is a part of all living cells. It is abundant in fresh and unprocessed foods, and most people who eat a healthy diet should get enough potassium naturally.

Low potassium can be associated with an increased risk of hypertension, stroke, kidney stones, carbohydrate intolerance, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, digestive disorders, and even infertility.

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. The importance of potassium should not be underestimated as it is required to keep the heart, brain, kidneys, muscle tissue, and other important organ systems of the body in good condition.

Potassium carries small electrical currents that facilitate the conduction of impulses in nerve cells. These nerve impulses generate the contraction of muscles throughout the body, including the heart. Too much, or too little, potassium in the body may cause an irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke and/or cardiac arrest.

Potassium works with sodium through a pump system that regulates the movement of fluids and nutrients both inside and outside cells. This pump system balances hydration and prevents the cells from collapsing or bursting. When there’s too much sodium but not enough potassium, fluid builds up in the cells, resulting in high blood pressure.

A diet rich in potassium could offset the effects of sodium on blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of hypertension and/or stroke.


Potassium and RO Water Twice Purified

Suggested Use

Shake well before using. Sublingual (under the tongue) or add to a small amount of water. Hold in mouth 60 seconds before swallowing

  • Adults: 4ml (1 full dropper)

  • Child 50-75lbs: 2ml (1/2 dropper)

  • Child 30-50lbs: 1.3ml (1/3 dropper)

Responsible Cautions

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your healthcare provider prior to use.

  • *The information in this document has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified healthcare professional and you should seek the advice of your healthcare professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

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