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How Rank Advancement Works
Written by Customer Service
Updated over 4 months ago

As you build your Heart & Body Naturals business, you’ll rise through the ranks and further expand your earning potential.

Rank achievement depends on the time and effort you put into your business, and rewards you at each level.


When you sign up you will be a Wholesale Customer.

What Is PV?

Each product has a price value and Commissionable Volume (CV) attached to it in the shopping cart. Once you purchase a product that volume becomes your Personal Volume (PV). To qualify for some of our bonuses you need a certain amount of Personal Volume (PV).

Your Personal Volume (PV) equals your personal purchases.


The Heart & Body Naturals Incentive Plan is designed to give the everyone a chance to be successful. We want to teach you how to build your organization by taking baby steps that add up to a bigger picture.

Your 1st step will be to reach the rank of Executive! Once you do this, you can work with your 2 personally enrolled members to help them reach the rank of Executive, and so on.

This will automatically fill up the Matrix and build your Binary Legs! If you focus on helping your members become Executive as you enroll them, you will wake up one morning and realize you have residual income rolling in! Sometimes taking it one step at a time is easier, and less overwhelming than trying to look at the end result.

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