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Liver Detox How-To
Written by Customer Service
Updated over a year ago

Support Your Liver

Is life worth living? It depends on the liver.” This quote from American philosopher William James reminds us that the health of the liver is the key to living a healthy life. The liver supports almost every other organ in the body. If you want to live, you’ll need a healthy liver. A healthy liver is a key element to a healthy life, and when the liver gets sick many problems can follow. Living a healthy lifestyle that includes whole food nutrition and moderate exercise can help our liver work as efficiently as possible and may lower the risk for developing liver disease.*

Daily Liver Maintenance

Use the Daily Liver Maintenance as a routine health practice, like brushing your teeth, each day for three weeks of the month. For the fourth week of each month, use the 3-Day Liver Detox (see page 2). Then return to the Daily Liver Maintenance, rotating use of the individual essential oils as desired.*

  • 1 tablespoon (or more) of freshly squeezed lemon juice*

  • 1 drop of HepaDetox or 1 drop of Lemon and 1 drop of Peppermint essential oils*

  • 1 scoop of Soul*

Mix well, then drink. Twenty (20) minutes later, drink 2-4 cups of filtered water.*

Note: The Daily Liver Maintenance is best taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes prior to eating.*

Signs & Symptoms of Liver Toxicity

Supporting your liver might just be the missing key to your optimum health. This workhorse of an organ has well over three hundred diverse functions in maintaining healgh and vitality. It is the body’s first line of defense against any kind of poison. In addition, all the nourishment obtained through the gastrointestinal tract enters the blood by way of the liver. Signs and symptoms of an overloaded liver may include* :

  • Alcohol - Excessive use or abuse*

  • Allergies of any kind*

  • Appetite, poor*

  • Bad breath*

  • Body heat, excessive*

  • Bruise easily*

  • Coated tongue when going without food for ½ a day or more*

  • Colds, frequent fevers, and excessive mucus*

  • Digestive issues and/or chronic digestive flare-ups such as* :

    • Indigestion or acid reflux*

    • Bloating after eating*

    • Constipation or diarrhea*

    • Dark urine*

    • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)*

    • Poor digestion overall*

    • Poor protein assimilation*

  • Diminished eyesight*

  • Drowsiness after eating*

  • Emotional excess and mood swings*

  • Eyes that are yellowish*

  • Fatigue that is either chronic, continual, or frequent*

  • Gallstones, gallbladder disease*

  • Gas, excessive, upper & lower*

  • High cholesterol*

  • High blood pressure*

  • Headaches, frequent or migraine*

  • Hormonal imbalances; impotence, low sex drive, PMS*

  • Immune system issues*

  • Itching*

  • Jaundice*

  • Liver cancer or fatty liver*

  • Metabolism that is sluggish*

  • Memory that is poor*

  • Mental fatigue*

  • Nausea*

  • Obesity or inability to lose weight*

  • Premature aging*

  • Skin issues of any kind such as* :

    • Acne or blemishes*

    • Discolorations*

    • Eczema and/or psoriasis*

    • Moles*

    • Oily skin*

    • Rashes*

    • Rosacea*

    • Warts*

  • Sleep disorders*

  • Sugar cravings*

  • Weak tendons, ligaments & cartilage*

  • Weak muscles*

Do The 3-Day Liver Cleanse

The liver is one of our body’s first lines of defense, acting as a filter to prevent toxins and other substances from passing into the bloodstream. Both the largest organ and gland in our body, the liver has a right and left lobe and is protected by the rib cage. Our liver processes virtually everything we eat, drink, breathe in or rub on our skin. In fact, our liver performs over 500 functions that are vital to life. Every day, it helps our body by providing it with energy, fighting off infections and toxins, helping clot the blood, regulating blood sugar levels and hormones, and so much more.* The 3-Day Liver Detox is the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to make a radical shift in their health in a dramatic yet gentle way. It can transform your body so that you feel more energized, can be more productive and, overall, feel like the best possible version of you! Use the 3-Day Liver Cleanse once per month.*

Day 1

  • Drink 8 cups of VitaliTea and 8 additional cups of water with 1 drop of Lemon and 1 drop of Peppermint essential oils added.*

  • Drink 1 scoop of Soul in 1 to 8 ounces of water 3x daily.*

  • Drink 20 drops Fulvic Acid in nonchlorinated water once daily.*

  • Apply 1-2 drops of HepaDetox essential oil blend over the liver once per day.*

  • Add 10 drops HepaDetox, 5 drops Lemon, and 3 drops Peppermint to ¼ cup salt & mix into a foot bath; soak 8-15 minutes.*

Day 2 & Day 3

  • Drink 8 cups of VitaliTea and 8 additional cups of water with 1 drop of Lemon and 1 drop of Peppermint essential oils added.*

  • Drink 2 scoops of Soul in 1 to 8 ounces of water 3x daily.*

  • Drink 20 drops Fulvic Acid in nonchlorinated water once daily.*

  • Apply 1-2 drops of HepaDetox essential oil blend over the liver 1 time per day.*

  • Add 10 drops HepaDetox, 5 drops Lemon, and 3 drops Peppermint to ¼ cup salt & mix into a foot bath; soak 8-15 minutes.*

The Secret To Weight Loss

One of the best-kept secrets to weight loss and lasting weight control is keeping the liver - the key organ for fat metabolism - in top shape.*

Probably nothing you do to control your weight is as important as keeping your liver healthy. This means avoiding as many of the damaging elements (like alcohol) as possible, while embracing liver boosters. Among some of the lesser-known compromisers of liver function are caffeine, sugar, trans fats, medications, and inadequate fiber.” says Ann Louse Gittleman, Author of The Fat Flush Plan. *

*The information in this document has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified healthcare professional and you should seek the advice of your healthcare professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

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