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Custom Website

Installing Heatmap Snippets on a Custom-Built Website

Written by Carina Munro
Updated over a month ago

Installing Heatmap Snippets on a Custom-Built Website

This guide will walk you through the process of installing on your custom-built website. There are two snippets you will need to install in order to configure tracking correctly, the Heatmap Tracking Code Snippet and the Heatmap Conversion Code Snippet.

Follow these steps to start tracking user behavior and gathering valuable insights.

Step 1: Access Your Account

1. Log in to your account.

2. Navigate to the "All Website" section in your side bar.

Step 2: Get Your Heatmap Tracking Code Snippet and the Heatmap Conversion Code Snippet.

1. Click on "View Snippet” button to open the modal with your snippet

2. Click the "Copy" button to copy the entire code snippet to your clipboard for the first snippet, responsible for tracking sessions.

Image showing how to access snippets for Custom built websites

on a Heatmap Account

Step 4: Add the Code to Your Website

1. Open your website's HTML file or content management system.

2. Locate the `<head>` section of your website's template or main HTML file.

3. Paste the copied Heatmap Tracking Code Snippet just before the closing `</head>` tag.

4. Paste the Heatmap Conversion Code Snippet at the purchase confirmation stage within your custom website.

  • You can also install the Heatmap Conversion Code Snippet using Google Tag Manager – see this article here.

  • Note: Ensure that you do not install either snippet twice which would create double tracking

Step 5: Verify Installation

1. Save the changes to your website files.

2. Upload the updated files to your web server if necessary.

3. Return to your dashboard.

4. Click on "Verify Installation" to confirm the tracking code is working correctly.

Need Help?

If you have questions or run into any issues while using Heatmap, our support team is here to help. Contact us anytime at

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