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🌟 Heidi's Feature Dictionary
🌟 Heidi's Feature Dictionary

On overview of Heidi's features!

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Written by Heidi Support
Updated yesterday

📣 Watch a full tutorial on how to use Heidi’s features here!

Start, stop, and resume recording

You can start a session from the Start modal or from the green button in your top right corner. When Heidi is transcribing, you'll see the button change to red with the text 'Recording'. Hit this to stop transcribing.

You can select it again to resume the transcribing at anytime, if you want to add any extra context.

Each time you stop transcribing, Heidi will send it to our AI model and create you a Note in seconds.

Notes and Note Templates

The Note refers to the main clinical note Heidi generates as a summary of the transcribed session, typically the one that would go into your health record (i.e. File/PMS/EMR/EHR) and is intended for other clinicians to read as a record of your care.

Notes are created when you stop transcribing, based on the note template you have selected. The note template define the structure, content and general formatting of a note. Templates include factors such as headings, inclusions, exclusions of the generated note (ie: History, Examination, Impression, Plan or Subjective, Objective).

Heidi provides some of the most commonly used note templates you can choose from:

  • Specialty Note (based on your specialty)

  • H & P

  • H & P (issues)

  • SOAP

  • SOAP (issues)

  • Issues List

Otherwise, you can create your own custom note template to structure your note exactly the way you like. Hit 'Create custom template' or edit on one of the existing ones and save it as your own.

📣 Read more about note structures here!


A document is a file that you can create in addition to the Note, such as a discharge summary, medical certificate, referral letter or a patient handout.

Documents are created based on context in the Note and any information added in 'Additions'. Therefore, it’s best to make sure you are happy with your note before creating any documents.

To create a new document, click on ‘Create document’ and you’ll be able to select the template you would like to use to create the document. The document will open in a new tab at the top of the screen next to the Note tab.

To delete a document you have created, simply click the ‘X’ next to the tab.

Document Templates

Templates are an essential part of Heidi that allow you to create notes and documents just the way you like them. Templates outline the structure of the note by specifying what sections are in the note, what information goes into each section, and the general formatting of the note.

Heidi have some commonly used pre-made templates, called Presets, that you can use at anytime, eg. referral letters, physio notes, care plans, etc.

Or you can create your own templates to make documents sound, look and feel just like you want it to. The perfect document, just for you!

  • Create one from scratch

  • Edit an existing one and save as you own

  • Paste in an example document that you like the structure and feel of and Heidi will create a template for you based on the structure on that document.

📣 Read more on Templates here!


Dictation mode let's you dictate something specific, word-for-word, eg. an operative note or a report.

Dictation will not create a Note for you, so this is not meant to be used with patients.

📣 Read more about dictation here!


Voice is used to determine the written style and level of detail that you want your Note to have.

Heidi offers the following options:

  • Brief

  • Goldilocks (what Heidi thinks is just right, the perfect balance)

  • Detailed

  • Super Detailed (incl. patient quotes for almost everything. Good option for mental health use cases)

Please note that you cannot change the voice of documents, and instead should customise a document template to specify the amount of detail you would like.

📣 Read more about voice styles here!


Additions is an area for you to add any extra context that you want to tell Heidi, this can be anything about the patient, something you don’t want to say out loud in front of a patient or a note for yourself for something to remember later.

You can to 'My Additions' before, during, and after the transcribing is stopped. You can also paste anything in My Additions, e.g. pasting in medical history from your EMR, just make sure you note if something is history rather than being discussed in the session.

Additions has it’s own tab, next to the Note tab, available ay anytime.

📣 Read more about 'My Additions' here!

Ask Heidi

'Ask Heidi' is an AI prompt bar where you can type in an instruction for Heidi to do just about anything!

You can Ask Heidi to edit your note, add billing codes, as well as ask questions about what happened in the consult or find general information for you.

📣 Read more on Ask Heidi Bar here!

Uploading Previous Recording Files

With Heidi, you are not limited to just transcribing in the software. If you have a previously recorded consult or are recording a consult using another recording device, you are able to upload that recording into Heidi and generate a Note for it.

When you first open a session, Heidi will give you an option to either start recording or upload a file. Select ‘Upload a file to transcribe’ and wait for the magic to happen.

Select your preferred language

You can select from an extensive list of languages, which one you'd like to transcribe in and which one to get your Note and documents in (Beta).

  • Speak in your preferred language during your consults and Heidi will still be able to generate an accurate Note

  • Tell Heidi to generate your Note in a specific language despite what language you are speaking in during the consult, and

  • Use the 'Ask Heidi' toolbar to translate the note into another language if needed

So far, Heidi is able to understand the following languages:

English, Hindi, French, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay & Flemish.

*Note that Heidi can only do one input and one output language. Being able to transcribe a visit in several languages is on our Roadmap.

Export Note/Export Document (Save to device)

The export feature allows you to download a note, or document and save it to your device. You can chose to save it in PDF, or doc.x format. The export feature can be found in the menu after a note has been created, just head to the three dots.

  1. Click on the three dots [ … ] above the note area

  2. Click on “Export As”

  3. Choose between PDF, or Doc.x and click.

  4. This will save the file into your Downloads

Once you have the document saved to your device, you can print, share and edit from whichever software you desire.

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