In order to integrate with Cliniko, you must be on a Together tier plan (14 day free trial available).
Video demo - Set up and Use Cliniko
How to Integrate with Cliniko
Go to Integrations on the LHS
Navigate to the left-hand side (LHS) menu.
Click on "Integrations".
Select Cliniko from the Dropdown
In the integrations section, find the dropdown menu.
Choose "Cliniko" from the list.
Enter Your Cliniko API Key
Retrieve your Cliniko API key. (See below for steps on how to create this.)
Click "Connect to Cliniko"
Finalise the integration by clicking on the "Connect to Cliniko" button.
If you experience any issues connecting, please contact our support team for assistance.
How to Create a Cliniko API Key
Follow these steps to generate a Cliniko API key:
Log in to your Cliniko account.
Go to "My Info" from the main menu.
Scroll down to the "API Keys" section.
Click on "Add an API Key".
Enter a name for your new API key.
Click "Save API Key".
Your new API key will be displayed. Copy this key for use in the integration process.
For detailed instructions, visit the Cliniko Help Article.
How to use the Cliniko integration
View your appointment book
Open the Sessions panel on the LHS menu
Within the Sessions panel, select the Schedule tab
Select the desired day by clicking the Calendar icon (it will default to showing today's sessions)
View the appointments booked for the day
Select the correct patient
Conduct your consultation as normal
Review and edit your Note as needed
When you are ready, "Push note to Cliniko"
This will create a new Treatment note in Cliniko in the selected patient's file
Only patients who are opened from the schedule tab have a “Push to Cliniko” button
Creating and Updating notes:
The first time a note is pushed, it will create a “Treatment Note” in Cliniko in draft status
If our note is pushed again, then it will update the existing Cliniko Treatment Note, provided it is still in draft status
If the Cliniko Treatment Note has been finalised or has been archived, then pushing from Heidi will create a new treatment note in Cliniko