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Sharing & permissions

Manage tasks together with members and guests via list & task permissions

Kat Li avatar
Written by Kat Li
Updated over a week ago

Collaboration is at the heart of Height, so we've made it super easy to give people you're working with access to the right tasks.


Access to tasks is managed through list-level permissions and task-specific permissions. Users have access to a task either through its lists or by being specifically added to the task.

💡Tip: You can always see who has access to a task from the task's Share menu.

List-level permissions

Most task permissions are managed through list permissions: if a user has access to a list, they'll also have access to every task on that list. You can manually adjust users' access to a list via the list's Share menu. There are 2 access options: All members access and Web access.

All members access

Newly created lists are public across the workspace and fully accessible, read/write, to all members by default. Because of this, the All members toggle will be automatically set to “Full access” in the Share menu. With this setting, every workspace member will be able to see all tasks on the list, and make any updates to the tasks and list as needed.

If you want to make the list private, you can toggle off full access for all members. The list will be private once All members is toggled off, but you can still give access to specific members by inviting them to the list.

Similarly, guests can be added by name if they already have a Height account, or by email address if they don't. The latter will send them an email invitation allowing them to sign up and access the list you added them to. Invited guests will only have access to the specific lists they've been invited to, and they can view and edit tasks on these lists as needed.

*NOTE: You can easily remove a user's access from the Share menu at anytime.

Web access

When web access is enabled on a list, external users (e.g. people who aren’t logged into Height) can view the list as read-only via the list’s URL.

If an internal user (member or guest) doesn’t have access to the list, they’ll never be able to see the list when logged in to Height. However, if Web access is toggled on in the list, they’ll be able to see a read-only view of the list if they log out of Height and open the list via the shared URL.

💡Tip: If you want a list to be completely private and invite only, make sure both All members and Web access are toggled off.

Smart list permissions

Though smart lists can be shared, users aren’t guaranteed access to every task in the list. Because smart lists are filtered views that pull tasks from a variety of lists, if a user doesn’t have access to all lists filtered in the smart list, they won’t be able to see every task in the smart list.

For example, if a smart list is filtered to show tasks across #ListA, #ListB, and #ListC, but a user only has access to #ListA and #ListB, any task on the smart list that solely exists on #ListC wouldn't be accessible to them. The smart list can still be shared with the user via the Share menu, but a modal will appear to remind you that the invited user may not have access to every task on the list.

Additionally, in that same modal, you can click to see the specific lists and attributes that the invited user has access to. Any list or attribute that is not included in this access list will be hidden from the invited user.

If you want to make sure that the invited user can see every task on the smart list, share the appropriate lists and attributes with them before inviting them!

Task-level permissions

Guests and members can be added (and also removed after as needed) to specific tasks through the task's Share menu.

Once added, users will only have access to that specific task, allowing them to see the task's description and full chat history.

💡Tip: When a user submits a task to a private list through a form, they will have access to that task by default (aka "read what you wrote" privacy), but can also be manually removed from the task's Share menu at any time.

Removing users' access to lists, smart lists, and tasks

Users' access can be managed and removed from lists, smart lists, and tasks in the Share menu. Simply click on 'Full access' and select 'Remove' to remove them. Once removed, their access will immediately be disabled.

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