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Unknown users

Why am I seeing "Unknown" users?

Kat Li avatar
Written by Kat Li
Updated over a week ago

To protect users’ privacy, sometimes you may initially see Unknown in place of a user’s name. This typically only happens between member and guest users; all members know each other and will always see each others’ names and avatars across the workspace.

Users are listed as Unknown when they don't share access to the same tasks or lists as you. If you don't share explicit access to the task or list, instead of seeing these users' names or avatars, you'll see Unknown in places like: Assignees, Subscribers, Read receipts & typing indicators, chat and activity history, and the Share menu, etc.

💡Tip: Workspace admins know all of their workspace's users, including guests, and will see all users' identities everywhere across the app.

Unknown users in tasks & lists

In most cases, refreshing the page will clear the Unknown state and show the user’s name and avatar. However, there are a few instances where a user may still be listed as Unknown in a task.

Logged-in members <> Guests

If you’re a logged-in member seeing Unknown in a task or list, it’s a guest who doesn’t have access to that task or list. If the guest is given access, refreshing the page will show their name and avatar.

Logged-in guests <> Members & Guests

If you’re a logged-in guest seeing Unknown in a task or list, the unknown user is a member or guest who doesn’t have access to that task or list. If they are given access, refreshing the page will show their name and avatar. If they’re never given access, they will continue to be listed as Unknown even after refreshing.

Logged-out users <> Users

If you’re logged-out and accessing a task or list from a shared URL, all users will be listed as Unknown. You’ll only be able to see users’ names and avatars if you log in.

*NOTE: Remember, having access to at least one of the same tasks will allow users to see each other. Thus, if you’re logged in and you’ve seen another user at least once, you’ll see their name and avatar across the workspace forever.

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