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How do I create sprints in Height
How do I create sprints in Height

Managing and planning sprints for your team

Akila Triggs avatar
Written by Akila Triggs
Updated over a week ago

Effective sprint planning helps your team tackle larger projects by prioritizing the most impactful work. Whether you want to track the progress of your current sprint, plan for any upcoming sprints, or review the performance of past sprints, Height's got you covered!

Creating your sprint(s)

From Product settings โ†’ Attributes, create a new custom attribute titled "Sprint" and set the Type to the option that best fits the structure of your sprint. You can also add dates to each option to specify the start or end date of each sprint.

Single select attribute type

Setting the Sprint attribute type to "Single select" is best for managing tasks that are intended to be completed in a single sprint.

With single select, tasks are restricted to a single sprint so you cannot assign them to more than one sprint at a time. However, if any tasks go into the next sprint you can easily roll them over by bulk updating their sprint option.

Multi-select attribute type

Setting the Sprint attribute type to "Multi-select" is best for managing longer tasks.

With mutli-select, longer tasks that may take multiple sprints to complete can be assigned to the appropriate sprints.

Managing your current sprints

Want a general overview of your team's performance for a current sprint? Set your Kanban board to Subsection by Assignee to get a snapshot of each teammate's progress. This view lets you see who's working on what in real-time, while also allowing you to redistribute the task load when needed.

Planning your upcoming sprints

To manage your current sprint and plan for upcoming ones, create a smart list of your current and next few sprints and Section by Sprint. Using a custom Points attribute, configure each section to total or average points by hovering your cursor near the bottom of the Points column. This view allows you to see the workload of each sprint and properly triage tasks to be distributed across your team.

Sprint velocity tracking

Want to track your team's performance? Create a smart list of your three most recent sprints, Section by Sprint, Subsection by Assignee, and configure the total Points by hovering your cursor near the bottom of the Points column. This view lets you see how much work was completed during each sprint to help you predict future performances.

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