Eliminate Odor

Follow these steps to assess and treat odors in the home

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Written by Host Team
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Identify The Source

Smells in the home typically are connected to a physical source...it's not just in the air!

Ask Yourself:

Is the odor located in one area/room in the home?

Is an item in the home the source or is the odor attached to all surfaces?

Can I remove the source or does it need to be treated on-site?

Step 2: Type Of Odor

The type of odor will change how you eliminate it!


-Easily on fabric surfaces and can attach to others if exposed for a long time

-Removal of impacted surfaces may be necessary

-Vinegar wash helps to remove the odor on hard surfaces


-Very treatable after you eliminate the source

-Cleaning products that kill bacteria are best

-Surfaces heavily impacted by mold may need repainting

Other Soiled

(Pets, Waste, Food):

-Washing fabrics and scrubbing hard surfaces

-Remove heavily soiled items

-Stall air will need to be treated

Step 3: Make A Plan

Ensure that the odor removal is fully complete by the end of the job

Maximize Cleaning Kit & Onsite Laundry

-Vigorous vacuum of upholstery, Laundry for removal products

-Work the treatment of odor into your job tasks

Need Extra Support

-If items need to be removed or damage repaired, communicate with HQ at the start of the job

-Make sure to share photos of the odor source that needs correction

Finish the Job with Air Odor Eliminator

-Ozium Spray is highly effective at removing lingering smells in the air

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