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Google and SEO
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Written by Hellopeter
Updated over a week ago

How does my Hellopeter business profile affect my Google ranking?

Having a business profile on Hellopeter will improve your business’s chance of being found in Google. This is because your Hellopeter business profile allows you to get to the top of an otherwise difficult and time-consuming Google result page in your industry. 

Our Hellopeter business profiles create listings on Hellopeter that are well optimised, out-of-the-box, and allow you to own visits for searches related to your brand and industry.

Where can Hellopeter reviews be seen on Google?

Hellopeter is optimised using review markup. This means that your business’s overall rating is seen on Google’s organic search results, and in the ‘Google My Business’ sidebar on results pages.

How can I prevent my reviews and business listing appearing in Google results?

If you’d like to prevent these from showing, Hellopeter is able to block Google from storing a review. If Google has found and indexed an offending review, Hellopeter is able to request from Google the removal of that listing. These removals can take two to ten working days.

How can I get my Hellopeter star rating to show on my Google business listing?

Hellopeter’s business pages are already optimised for star ratings. All you need to do is make sure the public makes use of Hellopeter, and submits their ratings and reviews. These star ratings can take a while to appear on Google, but they usually surface within two weeks of the first review being completed.

How can I improve my Hellopeter business profile’s Google ranking?

The more reviews you receive in Hellopeter, the more keywords and content will be generated for your business. Google uses Hellopeter’s website authority, and the keywords generated to rank your business in Google search results. 

The more relevant the content and keywords, the more likely you’ll appear high in Google’s results. Create a call-to-action on your website and social media profiles to encourage people to rate and review your business on Hellopeter.

What search terms can my business rank for in Google?

There are a number of factors that affect the search terms your business can rank for, but all you need to do is focus on the below three to have the most impact:

  1. The more user-generated-content (UGC) your business collects through reviews, the more terms you’ll rank for, so get more reviews!

  2. The higher your ratings, the more chance you’ll have of appearing on Hellopeter’s top industry and top service pages. These pages are optimised to appear high in Google’s results for a wide range of search terms. If your business appears near the top of these pages, you have every chance of being seen. The more reviews you collect, the more likely you’ll increase your ratings.

  3. On your Hellopeter business listing, ensure you have a very detailed and unique description of your business for terms you’d like to rank for in Google. This increases the chances of Google ranking you for these terms.

Why are only my negative reviews pulling through on Google?

Unfortunately, we have no control over what is pulled through into Google, and the reason you’re coming across your negative reviews on Google is that these reviews are gaining more traction in terms of clicks and impressions. 

Depending on your current Plan, you’re able to monitor Google traffic to your business listing/reviews. We recommend continuing to build your Profile by collecting as many positive reviews as possible to give existing and potential customers a more holistic view of your business.

Are there any SEO benefits?

Yes, having a Hellopeter Plan means you have the ability to proactively collect more reviews with our Review Invitations, as well respond to an unlimited number of reviews. 

Please read our blog post on how online reviews boost SEO here. And make sure your reviews are:

  • Recent

  • Frequent

  • Continuous

  • Informative

It will also put you in the Verified Business category, allowing you to feature on our Best Businesses page - which can improve Google ranking for broader search terms.

My URL does not match my business profile page, how can I fix this?

This is something that we’ll need to adjust manually on our end, please reach out via email or Live chat for further assistance. 

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