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HL7v2 Feed
James Jurkiewicz avatar
Written by James Jurkiewicz
Updated over 3 years ago

Isla supports a demographic feed from a Trust PAS/EPR or Trust Interface Engine to create patients and appointments in the Isla platform.

Patient data is used to create patient profiles in the Isla record. When a patient is created through a Trust integration, demographic details are locked to prevent update by a user within the Isla platform; this avoids the risk of data discrepancies between the Isla record and the EPR/PAS.

Appointment data is attached to patients. The Isla platform allows a clinician or administrator to filter the patient list to view patients of a specific clinic on a specific date, which allows a user to select from a reduced list, or select bulk actions to trigger requests for a whole clinic within Isla. A required field for Isla is the specialty associated with the patient, as this allows a patient to be saved within a team for the right users to access. This is usually associated with the appointment.

Isla supports the following messages & scenarios:



Expected trigger

Expected content


Pre-Admit Patient

When a patient is booked into an appointment

Patient & appointment data


Update Patient Information

When an appointment is updated/ cancelled

Patient & new appointment data


Add Person

Can be used in place of an A05 if appointment details are not yet known

Patient data


Update Person

When a patient's details are changed (phone number, last name, etc.)

Patient data


Merge patient (MRN)

Used to merge a secondary patient into a primary

Primary & secondary patient identifiers


Patient query

Triggered by a user in Isla querying patient demographics. This can be enabled to query with MRN or NHS number

Patient data

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