As Isla allows access to patient data, it is hugely important to keep your account secure. This means using a secure password. Please read our guidance below.
Bad passwords
For a long time, people have been trained to use hard-to-remember passwords that are easy for computers to guess.
Examples of bad passwords:
A common word (e.g. January)
An easily-typed spatial word (example: qwerty or aaaaaaaa)
Name of a pet or celebrity
An important number, such as a date or postcode (e.g. an important date of birth)
All of the above are easy to remember, but crackable in a few milliseconds.
A word with trivial letter number substitutions (example: P4s5w0rd!)
[common word]+[number] or combinations of the above
These are more difficult to remember, but still crackable in less than a second*
Use a passphrase
Instead, use four random words, or a short sentence, with or without spaces.
E.g. Surgery on the eggplant was a success
Bonus points if you add in numbers, uppercase letters, or symbols!
This will be easy to remember once you’ve typed it a few times, and very very difficult for a computer to crack.
* Assumes 10,000 guesses per second, which is consistent with passwords hashed using bcrypt, scrypt or PBKDF2