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What's new on the patient record page
What's new on the patient record page

An updated design for optimised workflow and better user experience

Lara Mason avatar
Written by Lara Mason
Updated over a year ago

As well as having a new look and feel, the patient record page has been updated to include several new features.

  1. Collections are now called folders, and are grouped by team name in the menu on the left. In the example below, the folder named 'Mobility' is in the 'Hand therapy' team, and the folder called '2WW Telederm' is in the 'Dermatology' team. The number of submissions is shown in brackets after the folder name and the number of unreviewed submissions is shown by the blue badge (4 for the 'Mobility' collection).

  2. When opening a patient's record you will land on the last updated folder in one of your teams. If there are no folders in any teams you're in, you'll be prompted to create a new folder.

  3. 'Share via email' and 'Copy patient link' are combined under the 'Share record' button in the patient header.

  4. Patient tags are shown in the patient header for enhanced visibility.

  5. The 'Requests' tab shows past requests sent to the patients (including one-off requests and scheduled requests). You can also send patients a manual reminder from this page.

  6. The 'Messages' tab shows the information-only messages and resources shared with patients.

  7. The 'Notes' tab shows clinical notes added against the folder by clinical users.

  8. The submission cards in a folder show details of who submitted the information and additional metadata, including whether submissions have been saved to EMIS/SystmOne where relevant.

  9. When viewing an expanded submission you can add notes against it in the panel on the right. There you can also see details of who submitted, requested and reviewed the submission.

  10. When closing a submission without reviewing, you will be prompted to choose whether to leave the submission unreviewed or confirm the information has been reviewed to remove the alert for your team colleagues.

  11. Adding information to a patient's record as a clinical user starts by clicking the 'Add submission(s)' button. The patient's details are visible in the dialog on screen, and if you are on a desktop you are able to use the QR code to add using images synchronously using your phone.

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