The "Revisions" Feature

Use the Revisions feature inside Hexawise to revert back to an earlier version of a model or copy that version.

Conor Wolford avatar
Written by Conor Wolford
Updated over a week ago

Inside Hexawise, the Revisions option allows you to easily revert to a previous version of that test model. We provide a list of each revision and the date so all you have to do is click a button to revert to that version. We also give you the option to copy that version (in case you want to view that model state, but also want to keep all the updates you have made since then) and create a new model based on it.

You will see a Revisions link under the sub-menu of the model name dropdown (see the image below):

Note: revisions are only available in editable test models. In the example in this article, we are using the editable copy of the Hexawise sample "F) Flight Reservations" which you can view in your own account.

One of the notes in this sample model says we should also test for whether java is enabled or not. So we add a new parameter for java and include "enabled" and "not enabled" as parameter values.

At a later date, if we wanted to go to a previous version, all we have to do is click the revisions link (see the image at the beginning of the article) and then we get a list of all versions of the model:

For each revision we are given three options:

1) Revert

2) Make a copy

3) Download

A version of a model can be searched for by Label, User, and Update Details (e.g., typing "Java" in the search field would return "Revision 11" above).

The most important takeaway from this article is: if you or someone else with access to the model performs edits that make things worse, it can be useful to revert to an earlier version or make a copy of it.

With the Revisions feature, Hexawise allows you to have complete version control of your test model.

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