(Guide) How to Verify Your Account
Updated over a week ago

This is the Digital Asset Investment Platform HEYBIT.

In order to provide safer and more transparent digital asset services,
HEYBIT operates an Account Verification after March 30, 2023.

What is the Account Verification?

This system verifies and validates the customer's identity, transaction purpose, and beneficial owner to ensure that financial products or services provided by HEYBIT are not used for money laundering activities when customers using our services conduct financial transactions.

If you refuse the “Account Verification” after the implementation date, you cannot use all services such as Wallet creation, bot creation, deposit, termination, and withdrawal.

Please proceed with the "Account Verification" system by referring to the information below.

To ensure a smooth Account Verification process, please prepare the following information in advance.

  • PC or mobile phone with a camera

  • One of the following documents to prove your identity (Passport, Driver's license, ID card)

After logging in to the HEYBIT webpage,

you can start an Account Verification from the authentication/account information page by clicking the two lines on the top right or your name.

The Account Verification process is as follows.

STEP 1. Please agree to the processing of your personal data.
STEP 2. Please enter your personal information correctly.
STEP 3. Select the issuing country and choose your document type.

STEP 4. Take a photo of your document or Upload your document.

STEP 5. Take a selfie.

Please enter your name in English exactly as it appears on your passport.

After submission, it can take up to 10 minutes for final approval.

If you checked the "details" button, you're done.

HEYBIT will do its best to keep your information and digital assets safe and secure, and to help you make stable investments.

If you've followed the steps above, you're ready to get started with Account Verification.

For further assistance or inquiries, 💡 Contact Our Support Team >

ⓒ Uprise Global, Inc.

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