[HEYBIT] New Strategy “BE” Launched! Get Your 100% Discounts on Fees Now!
[HEYBIT] New Strategy “BE” Launched! Get Your 100% Discounts on Fees Now!

Hello, this is your Digital Asset Robo-Advisor HEYBIT.

BE(Beyond Essential), HEYBIT’s new strategy that you’ve all been waiting for, has landed! The core of HEYBIT’s BE strategy is ‘MACRO’. It is a long-only strategy by tracking not only the crypto index but also global ‘MACRO’ economic indicators.

BE has performed relatively robustly in a bear market with a cumulative return of 14.4% during the live testing period!

(*Live testing period: from Aug 29, 2022 to Nov 10, 2022. Test results do not guarantee future returns.)

Please refer to the links below if you need more information about BE’s strategy/results and its customer-friendly management fee policy.

We have prepared two benefits for the early starters!

💡 [Benefit ① - Management Fee Discount]

All HEYBIT global users can enjoy management fee exemption or discount!

This benefit will be automatically applied once you operate the BE bot.

  • Target: those who activate BE from Nov 16, 2022 to Dec 7, 2022

  • Benefits

    • All: no management fee for the above period (approx. 3 weeks)

    • Active FF users*: 100% discount on management fee (0%)

    • Non-active FF users : 50% discount on management fee (0.5%)

  • Benefit period: first 180-day cycle since the starting date of operation (including the increased amount)

※ ‘Active FF users’ of the event entries are determined based on Nov 15, 2022 23:00 SGT.

※ Management fee will be claimed on Dec 8, 2022 on pro-rata basis.

💡 [Benefit ② - No Early Termination Fee]

No pressure on starting and cancelling BE!

No early termination fee will be charged during the period below.

  • Fee exemption period : until Dec 7, 2022

  • Benefit: free cancellation during the exemption period

※ There is a risk of loss of the principal invested in the BE investment strategy and investors are held accountable for such loss.

※ A firm’s past investment performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future investment performance.

※ Uprise Global, Inc.’s investment products, FF and BE, are not operated in FTX.

ⓒ Uprise Global, Inc.
