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Create a discussion guide

Add customised discussion guides and notes to each project

Updated over 4 months ago

Why should you use a discussion guide?

With our discussion guide feature, you can easily refer to the list of questions and notes prepared for a call. It’s particularly useful when you have to ask the same questions across multiple calls.

Use these guides to structure your research sessions and ensure that you cover all the necessary topics.

How to add a discussion guide

In Marvin, discussion guides are specific to a project. Select the project and click ‘Discussion guides’ in the navigation menu.

You can create a new guide from scratch or use one of the templates in Marvin.

You don't have to restrict yourself to just one guide per project. Write down distinct questions and notes for different cohorts, topics and call types.

Everyone on the Live Notes page in each call will have access to all the discussion guides in that project. Everyone on the project can view and use these guides.

If the project contains no guides, don’t worry. You’ll have an option to create one during a call as well.

Tag your questions

Make sure that you tag participant answers to the questions during your call or while annotating the transcript. You can do this on Live Notes as well as the Annotation tool with the shortcut. Just type '/' and select the relevant question.

Having a structured guide for your research sessions helps you cover all the necessary topics and questions. This makes it easier to analyze the data later.

Next, we recommend that you add a project overview to communicate key points about your project.

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