What is FlyAnywhere and how do i use it?
What is FlyAnywhere and how do i use it?
Step 1: Book any flight of your choice.
Step 2: Check if you have enough confirmed max miles to redeem your flight here. (Note, we only accept redemptions for the full amount of the flight)
Step 3: Upload your receipt, add PayNow phone number, and submit your claim.
Step 4: Wait for claim to be processed within 3 business days and get reimbursed at a 1.8c per mile rate. (as of 11th March 2025)
How can I redeem a flight with Max Miles?
How can I redeem a flight with Max Miles?
Purchase your flight ticket from any merchant of your choice and save the purchase receipt. Make sure the receipt captures the traveller’s name and the actual amount paid. You can then initiate your redemption by uploading your receipt at https://heymax.ai/miles/redeem
What information do I need to provide during redemption?
What information do I need to provide during redemption?
You will need to submit the receipt of your flight purchase and the amount that you wish to claim. You will also need to complete a simple identity verification with us to provide your name and contact number.
Make sure your number is the same as per your PayNow account!
Can I redeem a partial amount of my flight cost?
Can I redeem a partial amount of my flight cost?
You can only redeem the full cost of your flight for now. Stay tuned for updates to enable partial redemptions in the near future.
How can I track my redemption requests?
How can I track my redemption requests?
You can track your past redemption requests in your profile, where you usually find your mile purchases.
Pay attention to the Redemption status field:
Submitted: You have successfully submitted the redemption request and waiting for our review
Pending Payment: Your redemption has been approved and corresponding miles have been deducted from your account
Completed: YAY! Your PayNow transaction has been completed! Check it out!
Rejected: You do not have enough miles in your account for this redemption or your receipt information and your personal particulars do not match.
How long does it take for the transaction to reflect in my PayNow account?
How long does it take for the transaction to reflect in my PayNow account?
It will take 3-5 business days if all your claim information is correct and you have sufficient miles in your account.