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Campaign Deep-Dive Analytics
Nikola Siljanoski avatar
Written by Nikola Siljanoski
Updated over a week ago

With HeyReach, you have access to deep-dive reporting for each campaign.

Here's how you can access and utilize the reporting features:

  1. Find the specific campaign you want to analyze within HeyReach.

  2. Review the overview performance for each day, which provides an overall summary of the campaign's performance over time.

  3. Explore the workflow section to understand how many prospects progressed through each step of the campaign. This includes tracking the response and acceptance rates for specific actions.

  4. Dive deeper into the performance of different copy variations used in the campaign. This allows you to identify which copies performed better in terms of engagement and outcomes.

  5. Utilize the operating dashboard, which provides a comparison of metrics across the LinkedIn accounts used in the campaign.

  6. Select specific statistics to view or remove irrelevant ones using the available buttons, ensuring you focus on the most relevant and valuable insights.

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