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Import Methods
Nikola Siljanoski avatar
Written by Nikola Siljanoski
Updated over a week ago

HeyReach offers 7 different types of import methods that allow you to extract valuable leads from LinkedIn.
These import methods are segmented into 2 lists: Prospect Lists and Companies Lists
Types of import methods you can use in the Prospects Lists section:

  1. LinkedIn Search Bar: You can extract leads using the LinkedIn People search feature using all LinkedIn filters

  2. Sales Navigator - Leads: This allows you to extract prospects from Sales Navigator using all of Sales Navigator filters

  3. LinkedIn Group Members: Extract members from any LinkedIn group

  4. LinkedIn Event Attendees: Extract leads who have registered attendees on any LinkedIn event

  5. LinkedIn Post Reactors: Extract individuals who have reacted or commented on a post

  6. Import from CSV: Import a list of people through a CSV file

Types of import methods you can use in the Companies Lists section:
1. LinkedIn Search bar (Companies): You can extract companies using the LinkedIn company search feature.

2. Sales Navigator - Accounts: You can extract companies from the Sales Navigator using this search feature

All of these import methods can be used for various purposes within your outreach campaigns.

Additionally, you have the option to combine searches, such as finding leads or specific job titles within a company list.

LinkedIn Search Bar

There are 2 methods to extract people from LinkedIn People Search

Method 1: Search by keyword

  1. Give your list a name that can be easy to filter by

  2. Select at least one LinkedIn account to perform the search

  3. Type a boolean string or a basic keyword to initiate the search

  4. Apply filters to refine the search results, such as desired connections (first tier, second tier, or third tier), multiple locations, current companies, past companies, and specific industries.

  5. It's worth knowing that you can add multiple LinkedIn accounts to execute the same search, allowing you to extract more than 1000 people from a single search.

Method 2: Extract from URL

  1. Give your list a name and choose one or multiple accounts.

  2. Go to LinkedIn and apply all the available filters provided by LinkedIn.

  3. Copy the LinkedIn URL from the search results.

  4. Paste the LinkedIn URL into the designated region.

Additionally, you can select a list of relevant companies and narrow down the search by matching specific job titles within those companies.

By employing these methods, you can effectively extract people from LinkedIn Basic Search and tailor your outreach campaigns to suit your needs.

LinkedIn Search Bar (Companies)

With HeyReach LinkedIn Company Search, you can find and extract companies from your basic LinkedIn subscription.

Here's how you can use this feature:

  1. Apply all of the filters on LinkedIn Company search to match your ideal ICP

  2. Copy the LinkedIn URL of the company you want to extract data from

  3. Head back to HeyReach and paste the URL LinkedIn Company Search.

  4. Select one LinkedIn account to perform the search.

  5. Give your list a name that can be easy for filtering

Search is queued

When you encounter a situation where your search is in a queue, it indicates that the chosen LinkedIn account is currently being utilized for another search. This could cause a delay in processing your desired search. To avoid such delays, you have the option to select a different account to perform the same search. This flexibility allows you to run multiple searches simultaneously, ensuring a smoother and more efficient search experience within HeyReach.

Sales Navigator - Leads Search

With HeyReach Sales Navigator - Leads Search, you can extract people from your Sales Navigator leads list.

Here's how you can use this feature:

  1. You'll need a LinkedIn account with a Sales Navigator subscription in your HeyReach organization

  2. Go to the Sales Navigator lead search

  3. Apply the necessary filters to specify the leads matching your ideal prospect

  4. Copy the Sales Navigator URL

  5. Paste the Sales Navigator URL into HeyReach Sales Navigator - Leads Search

  6. Give your list a name and proceed with the extraction of leads using HeyReach

Sales Navigator - Account Search

With HeyReach Sales Navigator - Account Search, you can extract companies from Sales Navigator.

Here's a simplified version of the steps:

  1. You'll need a LinkedIn account with a Sales Navigator subscription in your HeyReach organization

  2. Apply relevant filters in the Sales Navigator account search based on your specific requirements.

  3. Copy the Sales Navigator URL with the applied filters.

  4. Return to HeyReach and paste the Sales Navigator URL in Sales Navigator - Account Search

  5. Give your list a name and proceed with the extraction of companies using HeyReach.

Group Member Search

With Group Member Search, you can indeed extract group members from any LinkedIn group.

However, it's important to note that you must be a member of that group on LinkedIn to have access to view the group members.

  1. Locate and copy the LinkedIn URL of that particular group.

  2. Copy the LinkedIn group URL,

  3. Navigate back to HeyReach and paste the URL into the Group Member Search

  4. Select the LinkedIn account that is a member of the group you are interested in extracting the members from and enter a name that matches the group.

Event Attendees Search

With Event Attendees Search, you can extract attendees from any event on LinkedIn.
Here's how you can use this search:

  1. Go to LinkedIn and navigate to the Events section.

  2. Select the specific event from which you want to extract attendees.

  3. Click on the attendees list, below the event link

    Note: You must be a registered member of the event to see the attendees, If you haven't registered for the event yet, make sure to register first.

  4. Copy the URL containing event attendees

  5. Head back to HeyReach and add the LinkedIn URL of the event.

  6. Select the LinkedIn account that is registered as an event attendee.

  7. Give your list a name and start the search to extract the attendees from the event using HeyReach

Post Reactor Search

With Post Engager Search, you can extract engagers from any post on LinkedIn.

Here's how you can use this feature:

  1. Locate the specific post on LinkedIn from which you want to extract engagers.

  2. Click on the three-dotted menu (located in the top-right corner of the post) to access the options.

  3. Select the "Copy link to post" option to copy the link of the post.

  4. Head back to HeyReach and paste the LinkedIn URL of the post.

  5. Select the LinkedIn account you want to use for the search.

  6. Give your list a name and start the search to extract the engagers from the post using HeyReach

Import CSV

Using the Import feature in HeyReach you can create a custom lead list or just add new leads to an existing lead list

Things you should know before using the import feature

  1. CSV format is mandatory

  2. Imported files can't be larger than 5MBs

  3. Mandatory fields are

    1. LinkedIn URL

    2. First Name

    3. Last Name

Once the file is attached you need to map the fields from your file to the predefined fields in HeyReach.

Mandatory fields that must be mapped
LinkedIn Profile URL

First Name

Last Name

​Optional fields that can be mapped



Company Name



Email Address
Custom Variable

Important Notice: To prevent users from using outdated data in their outreach campaigns the data provided in the CSV file will be cross-checked and automatically replaced if it doesn't match with the prospect's current data found on their LinkedIn profile.

When using the import feature, you can add custom variables, follow this guide on how to import custom variables in HeyReach

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