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Campaign Exclusion Filters
Nikola Siljanoski avatar
Written by Nikola Siljanoski
Updated over a week ago
  1. Click on the "Start new campaign" button

  2. Give your campaign a recognizable name for easy identification

  3. Select the list of prospects you want to target with your campaign

  4. Apply exclusion filters to refine your target audience

    • Exclude already messaged people from the selected accounts - this feature will automatically protect your account from reaching out to a previously contacted person

    • Exclude all already messaged people from all accounts within your organization - this feature will automatically protect all of your accounts from reaching out to a previously contacted person

    • Exclude 1st connections from the selected accounts - this feature will exclude all 1st connections of the accounts selected within the campaign

    • Exclude 1st connections from all accounts - this feature will exclude all 1st connections of the accounts within your HeyReach organization

    • Exclude people with no profile picture - this exclusion will ensure that you will be reaching out to people with updated and active LinkedIn profiles

By applying these exclusion filters, you can ensure that your campaign reaches the right audience and avoids unnecessary duplicate messages. This helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

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