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Creating Groups

Basics of group creation and lessons assignment

Written by Connor Crezee
Updated over a week ago


Groups allow learner accounts to be managed by owners and admins. Groups are created by navigating to the groups tab, then clicking the "Add New Group" button that should be on the bottom left of the page. Then learners and managers can be assigned to groups by the admins and owners.

Creating groups

Groups should be created by selecting learners who are intended to be receiving the same lessons and content. Courses will be assigned to the group, giving all learners that are within the group access to the lesson or content at the scheduled time, controlled by the assigning admin. Learners can be added to groups even after courses have been started by other learners within the group, but if lesson paths or drip scheduling is toggled, the learner will be granted access to the course depending on the criteria established by these options.

How to create groups

Start by navigating to the groups page

From here, select the Add Group button

Enter the name you would like to describe this group, and press Create.

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