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Scoring logic updated - Feb 2023
Scoring logic updated - Feb 2023

Assessment scoring logic update as of 28 Feb 2023

Ricky Spiroski avatar
Written by Ricky Spiroski
Updated over a week ago

Why we are updating our scoring logic for assessments?

We constantly aim to improve your ability to spot the best candidates among all your candidates quickly. For that reason, we have updated our assessment scoring logic to provide even more robust scores for your candidates. The new scoring logic will first calculate the average score per test category (e.g. personality, cognitive ability, soft skills, etc.), then take the average of those scores per test category to calculate the overall Assessment Score.

How does the new scoring logic work and how is it different to the old one?

Updated scoring logic

Assessment Score = [(Test Score 1, test category A + … + Test Score N, test category A) / Total number of all Scored Tests, test category A) + … + (Test Score 1, test category N + … + Test Score N, test category N) / Total number of all Scored Tests, test category N)] / Total number of Test Categories with Scored Tests in the assessment

Old scoring logic (depreciated)

Assessment Score = (Test Score 1 + … + Test Score N) / Total number of all Scored Tests


Let's take the following example, where the candidate scored the following:

  • hard skills:

    • sales management: 90/10

  • cognitive ability:

    • math: 85% correct answers

    • num reasoning: 78% correct answers

    • logical thinking: 20% answers

    • problem-solving: 12% correct answers

Old scoring logic (depreciated)


Updated scoring logic

((90/1)+(85+78+20+12)/4)/2 = 69

Which assessments are affected by this update?

All assessments, past and future ones.

For past assessments, will the scores of my candidates’ assessments change?

Past candidates’ results might see a change in their scores: all assessments with assessments that feature tests from 2+ test categories (e.g. personality, cognitive ability, soft skills, etc.) AND have 1+ tests in at least one.

When is this update live?

The updated scoring logic is live as of today, 28 Feb 2023, and affects all future as well as past assessment results.

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