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All CollectionsRecruiters/ HiPeople UsersReference Checks
Analyse a candidate's reference feedback
Analyse a candidate's reference feedback
Updated over a year ago

Analyse the collected references

1. Locate the candidate you wish to view the results of

You can locate the candidate from the Candidates pages and by using the search bar and selecting the candidate from the list:

Alternatively, you can search for candidates on a job level:

Locate the job for which you'd like to invite a candidate from the Jobs button on the left navigation bar and use the Search box to quickly find the job and click on it:

Once you click into a job, you'll see all candidates there and can select the one you're interested in from the list:

2. Candidates overview at job level

After selecting a job from your jobs overview you can see all candidates invited to collect references for this job. The overview contains some high-level information that makes it easy for you to stay on top of your reference collection process:


The status column is broken down into three stages/dots:

  1. Reference check (1st dot):

    1. Not started - light grey dot - the candidate has not yet been invited to start the reference check process

    2. In progress - dark grey dot - the candidate has been invited to complete the process and is currently providing their referee details

    3. Overdue - yellow dot - the candidate/their referees have taken longer than the set period to complete the references

    4. Completed - green - all required references have been successfully collected

  2. Assessment (2nd dot):

  3. Onboarding (3rd dot)


  1. Hired - if a candidate is successful with the recruitment process

  2. In Progress - if the candidate is currently still completing the assessment/reference checks

  3. Rejected - if a candidate is disqualified from the recruitment process

3. Candidate summary view

The reference results in HiPeople are broken down into two main pages.

The Reference Feedback tab which shows a high level view of the results gathered from all referees and the Responses tab which you can drill into the exact responses given by each referee. You can toggle between these two tabs in the top right hand corner of the reference dashboard:

Reference Feedback tab

The reference feedback tab is broken down into a number of key areas:

Candidate details

This section includes the candidates name, email address and link to their professional network. It also includes the status of their reference check and the time and date they were invited and completed the check:


This section lists all references, their relationship, status of completing the survey, if they successfully verified via LinkedIn and their feedback style:


On the left side of the skills section, you can see how each referee rated the candidate in the selected skills out of a score of 5. To right side, you'll see how the candidate performs against the benchmark

Work Style/ Reasons for Leaving/ Strengths/ Areas of Improvement

In this section, you'll see how each referee rated the candidate in terms of their work style/ reasons for leaving/ strengths and areas for improvement.

Leadership Skills

This section shows the aggregated leadership score based on a number of questions each referee has answered. Clicking into this will show you the responses to each of the questions

Working with others

This section shows where the candidate sits in terms of their working style with others. Hovering over each style label will give you more details about each style.

Key Achievements

This section contains verbatim feedback/comments each referee has made in regards to the candidate's key achievements.

Growth Hints

This section contains comments made by each referees regarding how to help the candidate best succeed/ grow.

Culture Add

An aggregated score of where the candidate sits in terms of their culture add.

Hiring Recommendation

Finally, the all important question of whether each referee would or would not recommend hiring the candidate.

Responses tab

In the responses tab you're able to take a deeper look into the exact responses referees have given to each question in the survey.:

On the left hand side, you'll see each question/topic listed and once you click into one, it'll show you a breakdown of the responses each referee gave for each question/topic.

If you enabled the self-reference, you'll also see the candidate's responses.

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