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Where Can You See Applicants Across The Hiring Funnel For All of Your Requisitions?
Where Can You See Applicants Across The Hiring Funnel For All of Your Requisitions?
Irit Lovenberg avatar
Written by Irit Lovenberg
Updated over a week ago

You can see all applicants across the hiring funnel for your open requisitions on the Pending Actions view in the Productivity Hub or in the Pending Actions Dashboard, which you can access from the sidebar.

Pending Actions is a great way to identify any bottlenecks in your hiring funnel, as you can quickly understand if there is a large volume of candidates stuck at a certain step. From the HiredScore Homescreen, you can select the step with the highest number of candidates - this will take you straight to the Pending Actions dashboard, where you can start to progress or disposition the candidates stuck in that step.

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