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Collaborate and create Teams
Collaborate and create Teams

Learn how to use the collaboration features

Lucas Nygaard avatar
Written by Lucas Nygaard
Updated over a week ago

Collaborate with your team

You can create a team and invite people so they can work collaboratively on hololinks. First create a team and then invite people by simply adding their email address to the team.

Invite Users using PIN Code

You can also add new users by sharing the PIN code to your team. Just go to the Team Members section and toggle "invite via code". You'll then be given a PIN code that you can copy and share.

When joining a team using a PIN code, simply click "PIN" in the left hand panel, below all of your teams and add the PIN when prompted to do so.

Copy Hololinks to other teams Teams

You can make a copy of a hololink in another team if you want to share it with anther person or group of people. Simply click the hamburger menu on the hololink you want to copy, choose "copy to another team" and then choose the team you want to copy the hololink to.

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