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How is HomeBiogas Different From Composting?
How is HomeBiogas Different From Composting?

Read about the advantages "biogasing" has over composting at home.

Written by Heba
Updated over a week ago

Composting is a great way to reduce waste and rejuvenate soils, but now there is a much better way to divert your organic waste! 

Some have referred to HomeBiogas as a "super composter" because it does what compost piles and bins cannot. Not only does it break down food, but it also captures the methane gas which is released from this process and makes it available for you to cook on in your home! This means that you are helping to reduce waste and reduce methane emissions from the current waste disposal process—double score!

Cooking gas is just one of HomeBiogas' wonderful byproducts. It also creates a rich, liquid fertilizer far superior to the chunky result of composting. The fertilizer is neatly and easily collected from the backside of the appliance with no work involved! This is a huge advantage over composting, which requires frequent churning, tending, testing, and monitoring. The application of our liquid fertilizer is also much easier than shoveling compost, and its liquid form lets it be quickly and easily absorbed by plants. Oh, and you can produce up to 12 liters of this liquid magic per day

Composting is challenging. Aside from the physical labor, it requires a good amount of experience and knowledge of chemistry and biology. On the other hand, HomeBiogas was designed to be extremeley user-friendly. Anyone can use HomeBiogas, even children! All you have to do is insert your organic waste and HomeBiogas does the rest.

HomeBiogas also surpasses composting in that it instantly produces fertilizer and continuously supplies gas from broken down matter (while it can take weeks to see results from composting) and it can do so with any type of kitchen waste! You cannot usually compost meats, dairy, or oils, amongst other things, because they do not easily break down and can attract vermin and flies. But with HomeBiogas, you can chuck in all of these plus animal manure without worrying about any types of odors or pests, thanks to HomeBiogas' filters and closed system design.

When the two methods are compared side by side, it is easy to see that HomeBiogas  takes home the trophy. 

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