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All About HomeBiogas' Fertilizer

Everything you need to know about HomeBiogas' output of high-quality liquid fertilizer

Written by Heba
Updated over a week ago

HomeBiogas fertilizer is a high-quality liquid fertilizer produced from the HomeBiogas appliance. When applied, the fertilizer can accelerate plant growth and disease resistance. 

What's to love about it?

  • When applied, the fertilizer can accelerate plant growth and reslience to diseases.

  • Made by you—no manufacturing, transportation, or harsh chemicals or additives needed! This makes it a healthier and more environmentally-sound choice than chemical fertilizers. 

  • Unlike solid forms of fertilizer, no mess or work needed! Plus, its liquid form allows quick and easy application.

  • It's free! HomeBiogas fertilizer is generated from your household waste, so no more wasting money on buying fertilizer from the store. 

  • If you don't have a garden, HomeBiogas fertilizer can be bottled and sold for a profit or traded with friends and neighbors for other goods, like the produce they grow or a homemade good. 

How's it made?

The fertilizer is the organic byproduct from the digester tank. It is the result of the digestion process and is filled with important nutrients. After passing through a chlorine filter (optional for purification), the fertilizer will flow from the user-friendly pouring sleeve straight into your fertilizer can. It should then be diluted with water, as you'll read below!

What's in it?

HomeBiogas fertilizer differs from most commercial fertilizers in that it is packed full of various macro and micro nutrients in a form that allows for rapid absorption by plants. Here is a list of these nutrients: 

How do you use it?

The fertilizer should be diluted with water at a 5:1 ratio of water to fertilizer before use. It can be applied via two methods: root drench or foliar spray. The following is a suggestion for the rate of application to plants: 

  • Flowers: 3.5 liters weekly per plant

  • Trees: 15-20 liters weekly per plant

  • High-nutrient-needs vegetables: 5-10 liters weekly per plant

  • Low-nutrient-needs vegetables: 3-5 liters weekly per plant

How much is made?

The appliance will release fertilizer every time you input organic material to the system so the output of fertilizer will equal the input of waste. The appliance can produce up to 12 liters of fertilizer a day.

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