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Supplier & Contractor View in the Hometime Platform
Supplier & Contractor View in the Hometime Platform
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Written by Hometime
Updated over a week ago

It is recommended that cleaners and tradespeople are added as Suppliers & Contractors, rather than Users, so they only have access to their tasks and no sensitive information.

This article will demonstrate what a supplier/contractor will see on their side of the app.

The dashboard for cleaners will be limited compared to Workspace Owners and Admins. This ensures they only have access to the necessary information and can focus on the tasks at hand.

1. There are 2 ways of accessing tasks; via "Tasks" or by clicking on "Pending Tasks".

2. Under "My Tasks", all current, pending, overdue and completed tasks will be accessible.

3. On the specific task view, we will see the "Task Details", "Property Information", and the powerful "Checklist" section. Once done reviewing the details, a "Reject/Accept" button is available at the bottom to accept or reject the task.

4. The supplier or contractor can then "Start" the task when they arrive. This is helpful so you know when the job started and is timestamped and visible when you hover over the task's status. Then once the task is finished and they have gone through the checklist, they can select "Completed", which is also timestamped.

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