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Create an automation

All about how to set up automations in HoneyBook.

Updated over 5 months ago

Automations allow you to automate actions in your projects’ lifecycles, sending files and emails, creating tasks, and moving pipeline stages at the cadence of your choice. We’ll cover how to create an automation and activate it below.

📣 Note

This article references automations, available for Essentials and Premium plan members. Learn more about the features included in each plan here.

Create a new automation

  1. From your top navigation bar, select Automations

  2. Click + New Automation

  3. Click into the title field to the top left of your screen and rename it

    1. This will make it easy to find when you're adding an automation to a specific project

Add actions and triggers

An action is something that happens when the automation is active in a project. A trigger is the criteria that must be met for the action to take place. Together, an action and the associated trigger make an automation step.

  1. From your automation, click the large plus (+) icon

  2. Select your action: send email, create task, send smart file via email, or move pipeline stage

    1. Depending on the action you select, you may also be prompted to select or enter additional information, such as the email or file template

  3. Set the trigger: when the action should take place

    1. Select whether the action will Require approval before sending, or not

  4. If needed, rearrange, delete, or duplicate steps

  5. Be sure to click Save once you're done building out your automation

Rearrange, delete, or duplicate steps

  • Rearrange: Hover over an new automation step > click the 6 dot icon > drag and drop to a new spot in the automation

  • Delete: Hover over an automation step > click the trash can icon

  • Duplicate: Hover over an automation step > click the duplicate icon

Activate the automation

Once you've created an automation and saved it, you'll be brought back to the Automations page. From here, you can activate the automation in three ways:

🚀 Get help from an automations expert: HoneyBook Pros are trusted professionals who can set up your automations and help take your business to the next level!

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