Honeycommb is continuously improving the platform. Please visit the Features page and the Changelog on honeycommb.com for a good overview of what the platform has to offer.
Can my network be private?
Yes, you can set your network to either "Open" or "Private".
Open means anyone who finds your network can freely register, enter your network, and engage. This can be a good setting for networks whose ultimate goal is growth.
Private means anyone who happens to find your network can register to "requests" to join and an admin must approve the request for the member to be able to access the network and engage.
Can I launch my own mobile apps with Honeycommb?
Yes, with Honeycommb you can add on and launch your own dedicated, branded iOS and Android mobile apps with their own product pages in the Apple App and Google Play stores.
Does Honeycommb have livestreaming?
You bet we do! Livestreaming is native in the iOS and Android mobile apps and is a beautiful experience. Honeycommb also offers livestreaming on desktop using RTMP technology.
Can I charge for membership to my community?
Absolutely. Honeycommb's integrated membership subscription system is full-featured and uses your Stripe account to process payments. The system is unique in that it allows your members to carry more than one subscription at a time; 1. a community subscription (community access + premium features, content, groups, events, and links, 2. group subscriptions (access to premium groups).
Can I create groups in my network?
Create as many groups as you like in your Honeycommb network. Groups can only be created by admins and are defined by their type, a spectrum of access rules for members. Groups organize posts, members, real-time chat, and offer Group Admin functionality.
Is there ad technology integrated into Honeycommb?
There is no automated ad placement technology built into Honeycommb. The vast majority of independent social networks are too small for ad placement to earn much, if any, revenue.
However, the "sponsored" setting allows admins to create sponsored posts in the network with logo placement over the post media, including livestreams.
Can the applications be translated into other languages?
Yes, application, transactional email, and transactional mobile notification content are currently translated into a handful of languages; English, Japanese, Italian, German, and Spanish. Other languages can be added with an initial translation fee. Note that user-generated text inside the network using a member's native language keyboard is not translated.
Can Honeycommb handle millions of members?
Yes. Lady Gaga's "Little Monsters" network is our largest network at over 2 million users. We have technology that gracefully scales up with request demand. Honeycommb can also provide a dedicated instance solution (Honeycommb Enterprise). Reach out to sales@honeycommb.com for more info.
Can I customize Honeycommb's interfaces?
Not exactly. Honeycommb is a "ready-made" solution. No code, no drag, no drop. Instead, hundreds of simple but powerful customizations let you make your network your own. Honeycommb lets you create, customize, and launch a feature-rich online social network solution quickly and easily so you can focus on growth, engagement, and revenue.
Will Honeycommb do custom development?
We are open to custom development to add capabilities to our platform that fit your requirements. Because we have a roadmap and business priorities of our own, we accomplish custom development projects by working with our development partners to build, QA, and deploy the projects at a cost we pass on to our customers. Honeycommb invests in the project by developing the user experience, interface design, software architecture, and API needs for the project. If you have a network feature requirement you don't see on our platform, "Submit a request" to start the conversation.
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