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How to keep your cancellation rates low

4 tips on what you can do to keep cancellations low

Paul avatar
Written by Paul
Updated over a week ago

After you've been selected for dispatch, here's a quick check-list of things you should do before accepting the job: 

1. Review all job notes 

You'll want to be sure that you have the equipment available on your truck necessary to complete the job.

2. Make sure the job is in your area

HONK does its best to alert you of jobs that are close by. If you feel that a job is too far away, DO NOT accept it

3. You have an available operator and/or truck 

The operator selected for dispatch is the one who is expected to arrive on scene. If you are unsure as to whether or not a operator can complete the job, we recommend not selecting them for the job pre-dispatch.

4. You can complete the job for the listed rate

Make sure you are able to complete the job at the given rate. If you are unable to do so, please decline the job. HONK will never penalize you for rejecting a job. 

After double checking the job notes, if you're unable to complete the job because of any of these reasons, please do not accept the job.

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