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Arriving On-time Made Easy | See What's New [VIDEO]

This short video walks you through the latest Partner App updates designed to get you to the customer on time and faster than ever.

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a week ago

Partners using the HONK app now have the tools in the palm of their hand that will increase their on time percentage, make them more efficient and in turn will result in higher customer satisfaction ratings for them and their company.

The new updates to the HONK Partner App include:

  • A new “Promised Arrival Time” box which shows the Service Provider what time they are expected to arrive on scene.

  • Enhanced job details on the job’s home screen that include the customer’s location, drivetrain, potential notes about damage and any customer notes.

  • The functionality to open your preferred mapping location with the customer’s location already submitted.

  • Ability to report a problem, or update necessary parties about issues that may arise on the job.

From our proactive digital communications, we keep stranded motorists informed at every step during their roadside assistance experience. When HONK Partners provide accurate promised arrival times when accepting HONK jobs means everyone is on the same timeline, “the customer’s timeline.”

Because of the Service Providers that we Partner with, our arrival times are typically within 15 to 30 minutes, which are on average 50% faster than the motor clubs. This allows Service Providers to be more efficient and results in the ability to take more jobs over the course of a day’s work.

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